
Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Hi, folks – Simi here!

Yes, I’m a big girl of 9 today and a dog’s life just gets better and better!

This morning I found this Christmas photo of us taken back in cold old Cardiff in 1999, my first Christmas with my Mummy. [I don't remember my very first one!] We’ve still got our tree and I used to chew the decorations on the lower branches – well, what did she expect, with her dried orange slices and cranberry rings? – but now we’re in Sicily she buys nice, big poinsettias for me to dig up. [I did that on Saturday and I must say she didn’t seem all that pleased!]

Do you like my card? I can read Italian quite well now so I know it says, “Thank you, because we always play together” - when she hasn’t got her nose stuck in a book, that is! Look, I sneaked a photo of our lounge so you can see that she’s not joking when she tells you she’s got all these books! Sometimes I have to nudge her really hard and bark like crazy to remind her it’s walkies time! She didn’t want me to show you the room as she’s afraid you’ll look at the dust but I’m sure you won’t do that when you can admire my “Mister Tyrey” toy that I left on the settee specially! Talking of toys, I got this new stringy one for my birthday presie. I’ve been throwing it about but I think I’ll give it a good chew later. Oh, yes, I nearly forgot to tell you that we’ve got our paw socks up in plenty of time. Mummy assures me Santa Paws is coming through the lounge window this year!
The last photo is for Auntie jmb because I read her comment in Mummy’s post yesterday. [I can read Australian and Canadian, too! Did she tell you our cousin came all the way from Australia-land to see me last week?] I’ve got 3 beds, Auntie, but I like to snuggle up in Mummy’s bed best – that’s what she bought it for, after all!

Well, that’s all for now but I’ll be back before Christmas to cheer up all my readers! Auguri, everybody, in the meantime! Oh, my Mummy wants a word: “Cara Simi, I’d have been so happy 9 years ago today if I’d known you were just coming into the world! Tanti, tanti auguri darling .”


  1. Ah, you're a book hoarder too...

    I thought as much.

    Do you keep any by the PC, for referencing when blogging?

  2. It was great to hear from you Simi and happy birthday to you.

    For a moment there I thought the photo was current and thought how matching you are hairwise. I blamed it on Raffaele but see that it was probably not due to him.

    Naturally sleeping with your Mum is best and my Cleo thought so too. She even had her own down quilt in her crate and her own sheepskin rug. All Mums love their dogs to bits and spoil them outrageously.

    I'm glad to hear that your Mum, the language teacher found such a polyglot in you.

    Tanti auguri a te, Signorina Simi. À presto.

  3. Simi says: "Grazie, zia Anna". Ciao, Crushed. Yes, I keep my large Collins Eng dictionary, a monolingual Ital one plus Roget's and a Collins Theaurus in here. Simi says: "Grazie, zia jmb." Funny you should mention that, jmb, as that year I had asked my British hairdresser to "match" our colours and I'm thinking of asking Raff to do the same this year! Simi again: "Cleo must have been lovely, Auntie. We all like snuggling up with our Mums. Oh, yes, I'm a linguist too, you know! Grazie per gli auguri, zia."

  4. Happy Birthday Simi. What a treasure you are to your mummy.
    Your mummy and I share a love of books; I pass mine on to my daughters and only keep very special ones that I know I will want to read again.

  5. Happy Birthday Simi, "Gorgeous Girl Doggie". My Pussie Cat Chloe has a blanket just like yours and she sleeps on it each night at the end of our bed ! Naughty, I know, but like you , she is not an animal, she is human! She can`t speak Italian but is almost fluent in French.

    Christmas Greetings to Welshcakes and Simi, with every
    good wish for 2008.
    Di.DT. and Chloe Cat. xxx

    P.S. There is a little seasonal anecdote on my site , should you care to pop over. xx

  6. You both appear to have become "lighter" on top over the years. lol Such a sweet Simi to tell us all about your birthday and how Mummy is all ready for Santa Paws. You're a real cutie patootie. :D

  7. Tanti Auguri Simi! And wishing you many more!! Who's that other westie in the comments! I'll have to pay a visit. I sleep with my mamma too, errr, or rather she sleeps with me, in the big human bed.
    ~Signorina Maddie~

  8. The Dog Bowser wishes to send Esteemed Good Wishes and, indeed, Felictations to Mistress Simi on this Auspicious Occasion. He only wishes, Madame, that he might have had the Honour to Pay His Respects in person. Pray Accept this poor Substitute for a personal Visitation.

  9. Happy birthday Simi. Our four cat masters have to nudge books aside to get our attention when they want one of their 10 square meals a day!

  10. Happy birthday to Simi.
    I do not know when Belle's birthday is. I do not know how old she is. As you know I adopted her and saved her life.
    She has a European Passport because we travel to England a lot and according to that she was born in october and is now 11 years old. She is still very agile and alert and always ready to go out for walks.

  11. Ah, do give Simi a birthday kiss from me please.She looks gorgeous and is thoroughly spoilt.

  12. Simi says: "Hi, Auntie Marymary. I'm pleased to have another auntie. Yes, I am a treasure, aren't I?" "Hello, Auntie True blue. Your cat must be clever like me. We're a linguistic lot, we pets! Mummy is coming over to your site soon. Merry Xmas! xx"

    Hi, Lealie. I think we have, a bit! Simi wants you to know she loves being called a "cutie patootie".

    Simi says: "Signorina Maddie, I am pleased to meet you! I'm glad you allow your Mum to sleep with you, too."

    Mistress Simi is delighted to accept the felicitations of Mr Bowser who, she recalls, is a very handsome fellow indeed. She wishes him a merry festive season and is honoured by his attention. xxx

  13. Rowena, I forgot to say the Westie is jmb's Cleo who, sadly, is no longer with us. But do visit jmb's fabulous blog.

  14. Hi, jams. Simi is very flattered to receive your good wishes and sends love to the cats, although they're cats! Thanks, eurodog. Belle is just beautiful and looks full of energy in the photo on your blog. Simi says "Thank you, Auntie Ellee . Spoiled?? Who, me?!"

  15. Happy Birthday Simi...x
