
Tuesday, December 18, 2007


As I've mentioned before, shops and businesses here who value your custom like to give you a Christmas gift, so we have got this rather large umbrella from Raffaele the hairdresser and a new, pretty dog bed for a pretty girl from the pet store. As you see, Simi isn't quite sure of it yet! I think this giving of little gifts is a good practice because it does cheer you up and make you feel a certain warmth towards the particular shop or business. [And I could do with some warmth right now - it's freezing here tonight and I am cold even with the heating on.]

And look what came in the post today! For the first time in 3 years, I 'll be able to make cranberry sauce! My friend did pack them well.

I've had a good day at work and have enjoyed being kissed by all the students whom I will not see again before Christmas, even though they hardly know me! Many are rescheduling their lessons next week so as not to miss out on their hours. This is still a revelation to me, having taught in the UK where most will use any excuse not to come to lessons!

I want to thank jmb and Shades for getting my blog header back! It's been playing up for weeks and at the weekend virtually disappeared - it's all blogger's fault, I gather - making me want to take a hammer to the computer and causing Simi to be very busy drying my tears of exasperation! Grazie, cari amici del Blogpower.


  1. What a lovely idea!! :-) Might have to ask someone to get my header back:-(

  2. Di niente, Welshcakes.

    That's a lovely idea and a good one to for it promotes loyalty. Not that Raffaele needs to buy your loyalty!
    You'll have to put something that smell of you or her into Simi's bed to get her and then you won't get her out, unless she has another better one.

  3. I dream of cranberry sauce and a bit of turkey to go with it wouldn't be too bad either.

  4. Hello, Pat, I'm on catch-up again! It sounds like you're having a wonderful pre-Christmas season. It must have been super to see your cousin again. And all that lovely food - will you be able to move after Christmas?!

  5. Love the umbrella... seen a big one like that filled with sunflowers somewhere....

  6. Love Miss Simi's suspicious stance - can almost feel those whiskers checking the joint!

  7. Little gestures - gifts from your shopkeepers, kisses from your students how into the CHRISTMAS spirit you must feel.

  8. What lovely gifts! And imagine that bag of cranberries making it all that way without getting crushed! Aah...fresh cranberry sauce! Will you add a bit of Italian orange to it to give it a kick?

  9. Yes, I agree with jmb. It works.
    Does it rain a lot where you are? Why would you receive an umbrella otherwise?

  10. Hi, Anne. Have a look on "blogger help" - I'm sure Arni will understand it. Sorry I don't know how to do it! Hi, jmb. Simi has told you all about her beds on the next post! Hi, Jmaes. Don't you get loads of cranberries there? They do cook turkey here, but not the whole bird, as in Britain. Ciao, Liz. Yes, it was nice to see him, albeit so briefly. No, I don't think I'll be able to move after the festivities! Hi, Sally. It will be useful. Ciao, the -other- Sally. Yes, she has to check everything out! Ciao, kissa. Yes, it does all help! Hi, Leslie. I was SO relieved the cranberries got here intact! I always add orange to my cranberry sauce and am looking forward to the extra kick I hope a fresh Sicilian one will give it. Hi, eurodog. Well, we go months, in summer with no rain at all, but when it rains it really rains!

  11. What a nice thing to do; it would be good to know that your custom is apprecited now and again. It seems you are a real hit with your new students. I never doubted that would be the case.

  12. Welchcakes; I do wish I could correct that typing error; 'Appreciated'
