
Monday, December 24, 2007


I meant to be here much earlier today but have spent most of the afternoon constructing this gingerbread biscuit "tree" which wouldn't come quite right. The only way I could get the "star" on the top to stick [with icing] was to level it off. I should have put more silver cachous on it and said it was meant to be a crown. Never mind, by the time it's eaten - probably at around 2 am - nobody will notice!

The "Christmas Pudding vodka" has turned out well, I must say, and I think the dried cranberries have improved the colour. I did enjoy making [fresh] cranberry sauce yesteday: I'd forgotten how seasonal it makes the kitchen smell and about the satisfying "popping" sound the cranberries make as their skins burst.

Off to tonight's festa in a moment but before I go I would like to wish you, whether your main celebration is tonight, tomorrow or not at all, a happy festive season plus love, health and peace.

Christmas is a difficult time for those who are unwell, grieving, worried about a loved one or otherwise "low" as it magnifies everything. I've known enough Christmases like that so my heart goes out to all who are not feeling particularly festive at this time. I am thinking particularly of my blogging friend Leslie at the moment; if you have time to pay her a visit over the next few days, I know she would appreciate your good wishes. I hope things get better for you and yours, Leslie.

Auguri a tutti and love from Sicily from Simi and me. xxxx


  1. Christmas Vodka- from the Welshcakes distllery, or bought in? :)

    Merry Xmas!

  2. Happy, happy Christmas to you and Simi Welshcakes and to everyone else who gets as much pleasure as I do from your lovely blog. Buon Natale tutti.

  3. Hello dear Welshcakes
    Happy Christmas and hope you have a great time over the New Year too. Love JJ xxx

  4. Welshcakes, enjoy your festa, and you are quite right about Christmas being a difficult time for many. I shall visit Leslie's site now.

    Have a great Christmas. I look forward to hearing all about it.

  5. To you and Simi as well. Enjoy.

  6. Nice thoughts....I am missing my brother this year. It is difficult.

  7. I'm sure that the whatever you call it dessert will be fabulous tasting and that's the bottom line.

    I have to make cranberry sauce later tonight.

    So sad about Leslie's daughter. I hope all goes well for her.

    Buon Natale a te, Welshcakes.

  8. Hmmm...cranberry vodka sounds very inviting. Thanks, WL, for such a kind mention in your post. I'm just now between Christmas Eve functions so popped in to visit a few blogs. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  9. Ciao, Crushed. Vodka bought but flavour "improved" in the WCL distillery! Thank you , dear Sally. Happy Xmas to you and Mr Bowser. xxx Ciao, janejill. Thank you so much. I hope you have a good time and a better 2008 too. xxxx Hi, Ellee. You are kind and I know Leslie will appreciate that. Have a wonderful time xxx Thanks, James. You're not getting away without any kissies! xxxxxx Hi, Sharon. I am so sorry. I do understand what you are going through if that is any help. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. xx Ciao, jmb. Not long back from the festa and it was eaten! - So that's all right, then. Buon Natale a tutti voi. xxx Hi, Leslie. It was the least I could do. Thinking of you. Auguri xxx

  10. Happy Holidays to you friend! Merry merry.

    It sounds as though you are quite enjoying your new job. I'm very pleased for you. Well done.

    I wish much joy and love for you in the coming year.

  11. Buon Natale, Signora Limoncello!

  12. Many thanks, Lady M. I am enjoying it but it's a major change of pace . Thank you for your good wishes and I hope you are having a wonderful time.x Grazie, signor Jeating. Auguroni from Sicily x

  13. Merry Christmas! And Buon Natale!

  14. hey Welshcakes...the gingerbread biscuit tree looks delish, welldone, I've never made one but I sure like to eat them! Hope you had a fabulous day x

  15. That looks fantastic. Hope you had a good one


  16. Ciao, UPM. Auguroni! Hi, Kyles. How lovely to hear from you. I hope you had a wonderful day, too. Auguri. thanks, Gleds. hope you did, too. xx
