
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Adeste Fideles--Andrea Bocelli


  1. Buon natale from Somerset!

  2. Lovely. Merry Christmas. We are having a relaxing family time enjoying the kids.

  3. Lovely to hear from both of you. Auguroni di nuovo xx

  4. Lovely song and I like the singer very much too.
    Tanti auguri at te, Buon Natale, Welshcakes.

  5. I really can't remember exactly how we used to corrupt this one as children, but I had to make a real effort with certain Carols at Mass and remember that the version on the hymn sheets wasn't always the one we used to sing.

    Is this Carol Italian in origin?

  6. wonderful - have just watched a programme about him and his life - amazing. Have you hear him sing with Dulce Pontes, the Fado singer? Fantastic. Happy New Year Welshcakes ( can't be too early with nice wishes for you)

  7. Grazie di nuovo, jmb. Glad you like it, Abbey. Don't know about the origin, Crushed - will look it up. Thanks, janejill. I love Fado songs but have not heard Bocelli with the Fado singer you mention. It must be a wonderful combination and I will look for it on the net now. Meanwhile, auguroni again from Sicily xxx
