
Monday, November 12, 2007


Today I added the sugar [which will dissolve further with a daily whisk and a shake] to the mixture for the quince liqueur which, I must tell you, reader, already smells divine. Just 10 days to straining time...

Some of you know that I have a subscription to UK Good Housekeeping [though I pay no attention whatsoever to the housekeeping articles, unless they are entitled "How to avoid ironing"] and in this month's issue there are instructions for making Christmas Pudding vodka so that's my next project here at the Welshcakes-Simone distillery. I can get all the ingredients except currants and raisins but I am going to substitute these with some dried cranberries that I brought back with me in October. They might even improve the colour, don't you think?

Cranberries are unavailable in Sicily but they must be sold in parts of Italy as I have seen recipes featuring them in cookery magazines here. A friend in Britain is going to send me some fresh ones in December: I am wondering how she will pack them? I could be faced with a very cross postman if they burst!


  1. What about using Craisins? Those are sweetened dried cranberries. Maybe too much sugar but I could probably find some dried plain ones and send them. Heck, if you need something over there let me know. Plus, I love the way the post man looks at me(even though he's no Addonis) when I send items to Europe. BTW, I have dried raisins, too.

  2. I love reading about your culinary experiences. In fact, I think I could gain weight just reading them!

    I hope you don't mind, I've tagged you with the 'Eight Things About Me' meme.

  3. An idiotic friend once sent me a liqueur chocolate in a personal letter...

    and expressed surprise when I rather annoyedly wrote back informing her it had burst...

    ... she didn't even have the excuse of low intelligence to justify such actions: the letter had been sent from her university campus to mine - see what I mean?

    Then again they say there's nowt so uncommon as COMMON SENSE!

    Hope you had a cheery weekend.

    I've been kindof out of circluation...

    All the best


  4. I'd have thought most berries were easier to get in Italy than in England?

  5. Hi, pink. I hadn't heard of craisins. You are very kind and I will let you know if I need an ingredient. Auguri.
    Thank you kindly, Dragonstar. You have a great blog. I think I've done the 8 things meme before but have done it anew in your comments. I would like to add you to my blogroll - OK?
    Hi, Gleds. Oh, how disappointing that the choc got squashed! Over in a mo to see how you are. Take care.
    Ciao, Crushed. IT is very hard to get anything out of season here, for one thing. Never seen cranberries here and raspberries just won't grow - too hot. On the other hand, we do have berries you don't see in Britain much, such as mirtilli [whortleberries]. I miss raspberries a lot!

  6. Interesting following the ins and outs of La Fabbrica Welshcakes. Lots of things going on there and in the works.
    I always though cranberries were a North American thing. I didn't realize you could get them in Britain.

  7. No currents and no raisins. How very strange.
    I can send you some if you like. Let me know.
    It sounds as if you might want industrial quantities as you seem to have a little factory going.

  8. Just came by your blog. Lots of interesting bits especially the culinary experiences. Will come back.

  9. Can you not buy frozen cranberries? I hope to make my own cranberry sauce this year with fresh oranges and spices. I'd also like to make my own mincemeat.

  10. you are too clever for words! we are of one mind as regards housekeeping.

  11. Christmas pudding vodka sounds very decadent. I'd love to try your quince liqueur.

  12. Hi, jmb. Yes, cranberries are very popular in Britain now. Hi, eurodog. That is very kind. I will certainly let you know! Ciao, kissa. Thank you for visiting and for your kind words. Hi, Ellee. No, not even frozen cranberries here. I alweays used to make my own cranberry & orange sauce in Britain and I miss it. I used to always put them in my mincemeat, too. Thank you, Lady M. I hate ironing with a vengeance! Hi, WW. Perhaps one day you will!

  13. I had forgotten how much i enjoyed good housekeeping magazine...especially all the recipes... went out and got a copy today...although recipes finder on there web page is real good.

  14. Ciao, Sally. I really like their website too. Auguri.

  15. Christmas pudding vodka! Sounds spectacular!
