
Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Tiny chiodini mushrooms are in the shops at the moment so I decided to preserve some in oil: funghi sott'olio are a favourite preserve in southern Italy and they are good as part of a selection of antipasti. Wash the mushrooms and then simmer them in 2 parts water to 1 part white wine vinegar, with coarse seasalt to taste, for about 10 minutes. Drain them and let them dry on kitchen paper - about 30 minutes. Put them in a sterilised jar and add garlic slices* , a chilli pepper if you like and herbs such as bay leaves, thyme and oregano. Fill the jar with olive oil. A trick I learned some years ago for keeping the vegetables down in the oil is to cut 2 cocktail sticks to fit inside the top of the jar exactly and lay them crosswise on top of the vegetables.

* As my commenter Ludlingtonian rightly points out, there are some concerns about the safety of adding garlic to vegetables preserved in oil. See his comment on this post and also this article. Because of this, I simmered the garlic slices with the mushrooms for this preserve.


  1. Don't know that I can eat them when they're called Funghi, Welshcakes.

  2. Oh, well, have some "chiodini sott'olio" then, James!

  3. Surely a mushroom isn't a vegatable?

    Not being a plant?

  4. You've gone a bit scientific for me now, Crushed!

  5. Anonymous11:17 pm

    What can I say? The WL Library of Exotic Food Imagery continues to grow like topsy and I cannot keep up with it. That's the problem with being a VOB! Suffice to say, I admire your output dear WL.

    And do stop admiring Mr Gorgeouses from behind those darkened glasses - bag yourself one!

  6. Thanks, Shirl. I'll do my best!

  7. Very intellectual-looking!


  8. Yum Welshcakes...i am definitely going to give these a go...they sound gorgeous...mushrooms are relatively cheap here at the moment too and i just love them....ta

  9. They look gorgeous, Welshcakes.

    Now for the third time of trying, I'll leave this comment - I hope!

  10. How fabulous! One of the great things about Italy is the vast array of mushrooms. Not sure why there aren't as many over here.

  11. Hi, Abbey. Glad you feel inspired. Thanks for persevering, Liz. Hi, WW. Yes, you never know what sort of mushrooms will be on sale here from one day to the next - quite exciting, really!

  12. Hi, Gleds - if you say so!

  13. You are always SO busy! I feel a lazy slod...

  14. You haven't seen my ironing pile, Lady M!

  15. Chiodini Little nails? Must mean something else. That garlic article is worrying. Just as well I don't do this then, although it is easier than making jam making other preserves.

  16. Hi, jmb. Chiodini because that is what these mushrooms look like. Yes, jam making is stressful because it can be temperamental but it is satisfying when it turnd out OK!
