
Saturday, October 06, 2007

Top Ten Places to Kiss

With Welshcakes on the move away from her beloved Sicily and with all of us missing her dearly, especially me, it's clearly time to get down to the real issue of the moment - where is the best place to kiss? Here is a collection of tips picked up many years ago:

1. On any beach, during a full moon, by a bonfire

Imagine the waves washing up onto the sand as golden flames and silver moonlight illuminate the face of someone very special. With so many beautiful beaches around the world, it's easy to find your perfect setting for this scene. You might try the famous Seven Mile Beach in Negril, Jamaica, with its seemingly endless white sand, warm turquoise water, and rhythmic beats of reggae wafting on the breeze.

2. At any airport, meeting your lover, getting off a plane

As anyone knows who has been separated from a partner for a long time, airport kisses are especially ardent. You can't help letting the sparks fly with that first kiss upon reunion, right in front of all the other travelers. Although no one would suggest that airports themselves are romantic, they do set the stage for some of life's most dramatic moments. Savor kisses here; they are the passionate punctuations of the comings and goings of love

3. In an elevator, with nobody else inside

The glass elevator at the famous Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco whisks you up and down its 24 floors. Share a special moment as you soar above the city's steep hills, Victorian houses, glittering office buildings, and arching bridges. San Francisco provides a romantic backdrop for every activity--especially kissing.

4. Floating in the 80-degree waters of the South Pacific

You and your lover cling gently to one another as the glimmering blue water of the Pacific calmly rocks you. Here in paradise, you have all the time in the world. Reenact our number-five smooch on Bora Bora, in the shallow, brilliantly-colored lagoon that surrounds the island.. A ring of islets and coral reefs around the lagoon ensures smooth water, and the beaches are made of snowy white sand. Fascinating sights like ancient temples and colorful villages might prove tempting enough to get you out of the water. Then again, maybe not. Book a flight to Papeete, Tahiti, the capital of French Polynesia. From Papeete, you'll take an enchanting boat ride to Bora Bora.

5. In a boat off the Isle of Capri in Italy

Get ready for a kiss as deep as the azure water of the famed Blue Grotto off the Italian island of Capri. Only very small boats, holding two or three people, can fit through the narrow opening of the cave. However, once you pass through the entrance, you will be astounded. Sunshine slants into the wide cavern, reflecting the iridescent blue of the water onto the walls and ceiling and turning the chamber into a magical place where light and water merge. There's plenty to do in Capri during your stay. Explore ancient churches, 19th-century houses, and the rest of the lovely coastline. Book your flight to Naples. You'll take a hydrofoil or a ferry from there to Capri.

6: At Niagara Falls, enveloped by the mist

Echoing with the enthusiasm and wonder of new love, these awe-inspiring falls have been a favorite destination for newlyweds since the 1800s, when Napoleon's brother Jerome Bonaparte reputedly spent his honeymoon there. The beauty of the water pouring over the 170-foot drop, the mist swirling up to envelope observers, and the surrounding forests and picnic areas make Niagara Falls a wonderful spot for lovers. The atmosphere of Niagara Falls has been soaking up romance for decades. If you have not experienced this landmark of love, you should consider visiting Niagara Falls for a vacation on your next anniversary. Be sure to take the legendary Maid of the Mist boat tour; helicopter tours are also available. Choose a romantic B&B or small hotel on the Canadian side of the Falls.

7: In Venice, riding through the canals on a gondola

Your boat carries you past magnificent palazzi, thousand-year-old churches, and inviting courtyards as you're lost in admiration. Ah, Venice--a city for lovers. And what better place to lock lips than on its renowned canals? Venice is worthy of a visit for much more than its gondola rides. With a rich history stretching back to the 400s, distinctive architecture, and fabulous art, this city beckons both the sophisticated traveler and the dreamy lover of beauty. A word to the wise: gondola rides are fairly expensive (usually around US$40). It's a good idea to negotiate a definite length and price for the ride, or you may be shocked at both when it's over. Extras such as serenading are often available upon request. Book your flight to glorious Venice.

8: In Central Park during a snowfall, New York City

Above you, two rows of elms arch upwards and form a cathedral ceiling, through which the snow slowly falls. The dark limbs above The Literary Walk in New York City's Central Park are lined with white--and the city, for a moment, is pristine. You squeeze each other's gloved hands and hug to share your warmth. The air may be cold, but your lips stay warm. Wander north to the grand Bethesda Fountain, featuring the sculpture "Angel of the Waters" as a backdrop for embraces. Though it will not be flowing in winter, it is still well worth the walk. Nearby, Strawberry Fields draws nostalgic Beatles fans to pay their respects to John Lennon, to whom this section of the park is dedicated. To add the finishing touch to your winter city stay, find a cozy B&B or hotel hidden in an intriguing corner of uptown Manhattan.

9: In Paris at the Louvre, surrounded by the most glorious art

Walking slowly through the labyrinthine halls of this great museum, you pause before Antonio Canova's sculpture of Eros and Psyche. Eros, the messenger of love we know as Cupid, holds Psyche tenderly and revives her after she's been lulled by a sleeping potion. Their embrace is paused in marble forever, inches from a sweet kiss. Life emulates art as you reach toward your mate and draw close together. This kiss is a work of art. Of course, Paris's many sights will beguile you for as long as you're willing to spend--Notre Dame, the Sacre Coeur, the Eiffel Tower, the Pantheon, the cafes along the River Seine, and the jazz clubs are but a scant list of its most famous attractions. And many of them are also great places for romance.

10: Anywhere else

If you’re in the mood to kiss, any place is the right place for you.


  1. Anonymous10:29 pm

    How lovely and romantic, James, and, may I say, how very unlike you! I can only surmise that the feminine side of your nature was unleashed by the Sicilian sunshine as yu wrote in WL's stead.

  2. I do hope this is all written from personal experience, James. Although at times it did sound a bit like a travel ad.
    How come Paris only comes in at Number 9? The place to propose as well apparently, see below at Andrew's post.

  3. I am not sure that Niagara Falls cuts it. It was bloody cold and wet when I was there.

  4. Shirl - I'm cut to the quick. Not romantic? Moi?

    JMB - much of it is and half was unromantic, as Colin points out.

    Colin - is a little bit of moisture not romantic?

  5. Here is a SMOOCH for that darling post!

  6. It is not the place, but the moment, that males a kiss what it is.

  7. Well there is a bit of life in the "old dog" yet. Well I have had a peck on the cheek in some of these places.

  8. Darn it I must give my mind a good clean, when I read the title I started thinking of body parts!!!

  9. Anonymous6:54 pm

    So sorry James - I did not mean to insult you at all! This is a very good piece of writing and I have too little experience of your blogs to have made such a sweeping comment! Oops, must do better. My homework this week: Read James' blogs!

  10. Hi Lord H-J
    I'm sorry to hear you are missing Pat - but just to let you know I had the pleasure of her company this evening.She is fine and lovely! I'm her ex next door neighbour and friend! I noted your comment about missing her and then the 'prelude to a kiss' - and wondered if there was any hint of romance? I do love a happy ending!

  11. Indeed, James, you left Sicily off your list!

    I'd add 'in bed before going to sleep'.

  12. BRILLIANT list my lord - you romantic devil you!

  13. Anonymous12:19 am

    And 'in bed upon waking', Liz.

    I voted yesterday for Liz and moi to visit WL in Sicily but then I thought about my medical paraphenalia etc so we'll have to think of something else for the 'next time'.

    Do you know - WL won't be able to go out for a week when she & Simi are home again - so much cybermail to catch up with! Take care, dear friend! xxxx

  14. James, what a lovely, heartlifting post. Thank you. I always knew you were a romantic!
