
Monday, October 08, 2007

A highlight from Paris

A final guest post by Andrew Allison.

As I mentioned in my previous post on Paris, I have given many of my 'guided tours' around the city. Depending on how much time we have, they can be very whistle stop indeed. Thankfully Becky and I had three full days in which to explore the delights.

There is however one place that will stay in our minds forever, and that is the Eiffel Tower. Before this visit the I could take or leave it. I've been up it a few times and the queues are always long no matter what time of day you go. Becky - quite naturally - wanted to go to the top, so we queued for well over an hour just to pay to get in. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I - put simply - hate queuing. She had to keep me in good spirits, I can tell you!

By the time we got to the top, glorious sunlight had disappeared and replaced by a sunset. Becky gripped on to me for dear life in the final lift from the second to the third floor, however the view is worth it. When we came back down, we stopped off on the first floor and had a beer and whilst drinking we noticed there was - what we presumed to be - a fantastic light show illuminating the tower. Unfortunately, we couldn't see it. That was at 11.00pm.

Thankfully at midnight the light show started again and you can see from the picture what a sight it was. It rounded off a perfect day and made me realise - if I didn't need reminding - what a fantastic city this is, full of surprises that brings out the big kid in all of us.


  1. In the four or five times I've been to Paris, I've never been to the top of the Eiffel Tower, but then I don't like heights.

    This is indeed a spectacular sight and a great memory for you. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. We didn't get a chance to go to the top last time - the lift wasn't running up the centre but the 2nd was.

  3. Stunning photos and thanks for the post, Andrew. I got to hate the ET because I'd had to take school groups up it so many times but I got to love it again later! I remember wishing it a "Happy Birthday" during its 100th year!
