
Saturday, August 18, 2007


"If you spend €40", proclaimed a notice in one of the larger supermarkets this morning, "you can purchase this set of carafe and 6 glasses for just €4.99!" And a set was attractively displayed below the notice. My weekly shop having come to €53, of course I had to, didn't I? I have enough glasses already to be able to throw a cocktail party for the entire Italian military without hiring any but I wanted the carafe, you see, because it has one of those doofers in the middle that you can put ice in to keep the water /wine / juice cool. I have spent the entire afternoon making space in the sideboard to put these acquisitons and now I'm rather pleased with myself.

While I was there, I got some mini fast food in the form of potato polpette, arancine [rice balls - only these are pear-shaped] and a mini focaccia and here's a photo for any new readers who may not have seen these before. I just love arancine! A neighbour [yes, one has returned!] gave me a lift back and we had a discussion on where to get the best arancine in Modica, agreeing that these are pretty good.

As I write I am listening to my new Patrizio Buanne CD and I know that fellow Patrizio fan Lee will be happy to read that I've completely gone now I've heard our idol say, "Don't be afraid" ever so sexily at the end of the title track, Forever Begins Tonight.


  1. This, alas, Welshcakes, is where we differ. I'd never buy something because it was part of some deal. My ladyfriend used to see a 5% discount and have to buy something, even though it wasn't needed.

    There's no point going further down this path but it was one of the key reasons we drifted apart.

  2. But I didn't say I didn't need it, James - not the carafe!

  3. Anonymous11:58 pm

    Did you post a pic of the carafe? if so I couldn't see it.I bet the Graf did not collect green shield stamps for the free set of tumblers either...

  4. Mutley, are you on shore on parole? Yes, I did. Sorry you can't see it. GS stampa - those were the days!

  5. Hi Welshcakes, I'm reading but not comment on everything as usual.
    Well I understand the purchase, even if some men don't.

  6. I bet the Graf did not collect green shield stamps for the free set of tumblers either...

    You betcha. And at Tesco, when they ask me about this garbage, I trot out my withering glare.

    By the way, I'm Sir James now. :)

    Mutley - loved your full frontal at Uber's.

    Welsh - sorry to use your post as a forum here. Don't know what came over me.

  7. I'm all for a bargain - especially something you need and that caraffe is excellent!

    Last week we took my grandson to the seaside and he spent 250 x 2p (£5) to win a very tacky plastic keyring... worth about 2p.

  8. Was the set that you got though comparable to the one displayed or did the carafe break the miute it was filled for the thin glass couldn't take the pressure of the water?
    When I was younger as soon as I saw a "Sale" sign, even if I was on abus, I would hop off with quivering excitement. I could always justify aspend by remidning myself , not of the money I spent but, the money I SAVED.
    "sale" signs to women are likie "Free beer and sex" signs would be to men!

  9. Please fix my typos WElshcakes.I always forget to check first! :)

  10. Sounds like a lovely day! I'm impressed that you could find room to store your new purchases. The thought of "no room in the inn" usually holds me back....

    I'm an American expat in Calabria, and I've just found your site. I'm looking forward to reading more :)

    Buona domenica!

  11. Knew you'd understand,jmb! I'd like to see your withering atare, Sir James! Feel free... Chris, I bet he got a thrill winning it, though, so it was worth it! Hi, uber. Well, it looks the same - haven't used it yet! I always make typos in the comments, uber - just forget to check too! How nice to meet you, sognatrice and what a lovely name! Thanks for visiting.

  12. Hi, I just love the carafe and glasses the set looks great so do the rice balls. I have yet to try and make them on my own but they are loved in this house. i can't make rice well so I won't even try!

    they do look delicious! :)

  13. Hi WL...I would have to have them as the carafe...and as for those tasty.

  14. I would love some of those Sicilian snacks now!

  15. Ciao, M! Great to have you back here. Glad you like the carafe. I've made rice balls to Carluccio's recipe and it works but I do think it's one of those recipes that Ital rosticcerie make better!

  16. Travel Around, there is nothing like them , is there - anywhere else?

  17. I once bought a set of pans cheap from Dunnes because we had just kitted out a batchelor Flat in Galway. They are slightly older than david and now showing their age.

    I´m half way between you and Lord Straff De Whatsit- tempted by bargains if they are a bargain and I have some use for the items!

    (It just just took me three minutes to find the @ key- damn these Spanish keyboards!

  18. Hi, Anne. Glad you like both! Hi, Shades. Those pans have lasted well, then. I won't buy something I have no use for and I did want the carafe. Sympathise re Spanish keyboard. The @ is on the right-hand side with the accented letters on an Ital one and you have to press Alt Gr at the same time. Most difficult keyboard I've ever used was a Czech one - the thing kept typing "z" all the time!
