
Friday, August 17, 2007


Things were much more lively down in Modica Bassa this morning with fewer shops still closed than up here, where I thought I was going to die of the silence: most neighbours are still in their houses at the sea or in the countryside, only one bar is open at this end of our long street and I can't even cheer myself up with a visit to Raffaele the hairdresser's till Tuesday! Bar Ciacera was open and in celebration of this fact I decided to partake of this delicious melon, banana and amarena flavoured ice cream.

Regular readers may be pleased to read that the water supply held out over the holiday and we have had a refill this afternoon. I phoned to ask for one this morning, in the absence of the capo condomnio [the tenant whose responsibility this is] and was surprised when the clerk [not the one I usually speak to] asked me which lorry company supplies our block as I have never been asked this before. The comune contracts the work of delivering the water to several private water carriers and although I know the names of each of these I have never bothered to look at which name is on the lorry when it appears: I am always just so relieved that it has come that it is all I can do to stop myself embracing the drivers! Anyway, I dug out one of the pieces of paper I sign for the delivery, found the name and all was well. Simi can hear the lorry when it is down on the main road, despite the other traffic noises, so I always know when it is on its way!


  1. I would love to treat you to one of these indulgences one day Welshcakes. I'm just back temporarily, still much to do with my studies and a few more family visits before I resume normal blogging. I do miss it, but need to focus on my studies first and foremost.

    I hope you are well, I have missed your news and look forward to catching up soon.

  2. Ciao, Ellee! How lovely to hear from you tonight. One day we will have ice cream or other Sicilian treats together! Meanwhile, good luck with your studies and I hope you enjoy all the family visits and so on. Auguri.

  3. Good to know you didn't run out of water, Welsh. It is such a precious commodity, isn't it?

    More goodies to drool over, I see...stop that! ;)

  4. The ice cream looks so refreshing! Why do they call it ice cream in Sicily and gelato in Italy? Also, as a 55 year old divorcee contemplating a change in my life, I'm curious how you decided on Sicily and what is the cost of living there? Do you ever wish you'd moved farther north where it isn't quite so hot in summer? I'm always full of questions!!

  5. Hi Welshcakes - back home again and lovely to catch up what I'd missed this week. Up to my ears but thinking of you and being cheered by you - thank you.

  6. Welshcakesalina,
    I sympathise on the issue of the water supply. Turkey is running critically short of water....this damned country has seen't a drop of rain for about 4 months. Difficult days lie ahead I fear...

  7. You are indeed quite alone there just now. Thank the gods for adorable Simi (with the excellent hearing). It seems the blogsphere is as you describe your neighborhood of late. I suppose we are all out and about getting the very last bit out of summer. Q leaves in ten short days and I shall be quite distraught for a bit, but I am so happy for her.

    I have always said it takes a certain talent, that there is a real technique for photographing food - and making it look good - and you have it! I always enjoy your meals you share with us, your adoring public.

    I am pleased for you the water is holding out! I was concerned we did not have enough rainfall last winter, but I was in Fez and apparently the coast had plenty, so we are set here.

    Pats to Simi.

  8. Anyway, I dug out one of the pieces of paper I sign for the delivery, found the name and all was well.

    My supplier comes Monday. Vital affair.

  9. Hi, Lee. Yes, it is. I always took it for granted before. Sorry about the drooling effect! Hi, TF. It's gelato here as well. Happy to answer your questions: I'm an Italian graduate and I have always loved Italy. Here in Sicily I made many friends over many years of visits and have found so much kindness here. Also the culture fascinates me because there are elements of so many invasions in it -Greek, Arab, Norman. And I was as stunned at the beauty of the Temples at Agrigento as I was the first time I saw Florence. Then when my mother died I found more understanding here then I had in Britain. I like the north of Italy too and could happily live somewhere like Milan as I love big cities but I couldn't possibly afford it. Prices there are similar to those in London. So in the end I fixed on Sicily. Cost of living: Food generally cheaper, especially fruit and veg. Meat a little more expensive but not much. Energy costs: gas much more expensive. Rent: half of what I would pay in UK. Phone bills, ineternet costs: not bad. Eating out: much cheaper. I did it because at 55 I didn't think I could wait any longer and I didn't want to end up saying "I wish I had..." when it was too late. One thing: I don't think it would be possible to settle in an area like this without fluency in the language.
    Hi, Sally. Nice to have you back and thank you.

    Stan! I like being called Welshcakesalina. We were just about saved this year because we had a lot of rain in March. I didn't know you had a problem in Turkey. Hope it doesn't get too bad.
    Lady M, yes, I thank god for Simi and the blogosphere. People are starting to come back this weekend. Are you going to stay in Morocco? Thanks for your nice words about my food photos - it's really trial and error and I take loads of shots of each dish - the bar owners think I am mad! Glad you're OK for water there.

  10. Hi, James. How much water do you get when your supplier comes and how long does it last?

  11. PS for Tooth Fairy: you might be interested to read a series of posts called "Moving Story" which are in my late May- early June 2006 archive. They are about the move and some of the decisions I had to make at that time.

  12. Glad you still got water. That looks like rather a tasty gelato

  13. Hi, Gleds. So am I ! Ice cream was lovely. Auguri.

  14. so happy the water held out. I still can't imagine what it must be like especially in this kind of heat. I do hope the weather has been better than it was...

    I am catching up here and I am sure i should start where I left off but never do...

    Glad to hear you and Simi are well! Ice Cream looks delish!


  15. Thanks, M. Wiped out by the heat today but I think because it has gone on so long more than the intensity. Lovely and cool tonight. Share an ice cream with you one day! Auguri x
