
Sunday, August 05, 2007


OK, I'm aware that you have had too much in Britain but today we have had wonderfully welcome, fairly heavy rain here. Like a lot of British people deprived of rain for any length of time, when it does come, I just have to stand out in it and feel it [to the consternation of my Sicilian neighbours, I'm sure]. Fortunately, we have not yet had any thunder to accompany it. [We get quite frightening, loud thunder here, often without lightning.] When we went out at 5pm, Simi looked at me as if to say, "What's this wet stuff?" and she was definitely unimpressed by the drainage system!

When we do get bad weather, it becomes surprisingly dark indoors, but at this time of year, if you put the overhead lights on, it still gets unbearably hot. The other day, as an afterthought, I bought this clip-on reading light in the bookshop [I know they're not new but I have resisited them before] and this afternoon it turned out to be just what I needed. I simply must have sufficient light to read by!


  1. Anonymous8:46 pm

    It was refreshing to get a little rain. Fortunately we have had dry weather for a few days. That should change soon.

  2. We actually had a really hot weekend here.
    In fact, it's been warm all week.

  3. I found your blog a few days ago and am already hooked! I'm taking a tour of Sicily next March. I hope the weather will be good and not too hot! Being in the dental field, I'm curious about the dental care in Sicily. Are there dental hygienists there?

  4. Hi, Steve. Yes, very refreshing here - but we'll see what tomorrow's weather brings as Sicily does weather in extremes! Crushed, glad you've had some good summer weather over there. Tooth fairy, how nice to meet you. March is an excellent time to come and the weather should be just right for you. Yes, we have dental hygienists who work much as they do in the UK. I've only had to have a filling repaired and a hygiene session since I've been here and found that the dentist's costs were cheaper than in the UK, whilst the hygienist's costs were slightly higher! Both did an excellent and painless job, though.

  5. That is one cute pup! I am pea green with envy! Rain? that wet stuff that falls from the sky right? sigh

    I am with you on the light - very big on lamps I am.

  6. Poor Miss Simi is looking a bit bedraggled. Did she have to swim out there in the wet? I'll bet she doesn't like the thunder much either.
    Still rain is very welcome I'm sure in the water scarce island of Sicily.

  7. Interestingly, we have dark clouds here in California this morning! What a relief if it would actually rain. I love thunder and lightening, Sicily must be a lot like Idaho. Up in Idaho we live in the mountains where the thundering sounds are intensified (usually lightening strikes just outside the door) and echo down the valleys.

  8. I bet Simi enjoyed her cool shower. I'm just back from a baking hot Norfolk, it was glorious on the beach where there was a gently breeze.

    I'm still very, very busy with so many other projects and family commitments right now, I shall return to my blog once they are completed, I need to be totally focused, but couldn't resist a visit to Sicily.

  9. Ciao, Lady M. Simi is very pleased you think she's cute! She is the light of my life. Jmb, she didn't have to swim - but almost! She isn't scared of thunder but she does object to it - so barks at it. The sun is back today but the air is so much fresher. Hi, pjnk. I can't imagine dark clouds in California! How inteersting about Idaho. I am actually scared of lightning. Glad you had a good break, Ellee, and thanks for coming over. I don't think Simi enjoyed getting soaked but she is enjoying the cooler air we have today.

  10. it is ABSOLUTELY SWELTERING in London these past 2 days ... "only" 31C/88F but WOW does it feel HOT HOT HOT!!!

    i think it is because this town just was NOT BUILT FOR THE HEAT it is ridiculous, honestly.

    yesterday i felt like i was about to expire!!!

    hope all good with you


  11. hey have you seen my animal crackers blog yet?

    worth a click!!

  12. Hi, Gleds. You've hit the nail on the head - it's about whether your houses are built for the heat or the cold. Here, we really suffer in the cold! I'll come over and look at "Animal Crackers " later - sounds good!

  13. Simi does look most put out!

    I've often wondered if those little lights were any good: you would recommend them then?

  14. I wish we'd get some of that precipitation down here. It's needed badly!

  15. Hi, Liz. Yes, I would! This one came with 2 batteries that are supposed to last 8 hours - I'm told they are watch batteries - so I'll have to see how easy they are to replace. But I must say, reading with this thingamy has so far been a joy! Lee, next time it comes, I'll point my divining stick in your direction!

  16. ...when it does come, I just have to stand out in it...

    I know exactly what you mean here. Lovely stuff.

  17. Hi, James. I thought you would understand!

  18. When I'm on our littel boat I use a miner's style torch - you can get very white light and it is brilliant ! Looks very funny too as we lie in our respective bunks with our identical head torches. lazy me, as you can lie down reading too x
