
Friday, August 31, 2007


... is not a good time for me. I've already mentioned that it would have been my Dad's birthday on the 27th. [He would have been 88 this year.] My Sandy, a labrador / Jack Russell cross who was a prince among dogs, died on 24th August 1990 and I still shed tears for him. He was 18 and I'd had him from when I was 22 to when I was 40. That's a period that saw a lot of changes in this woman's life. And my Gil Blas [in the 3rd picture] died in early September 1999. He was a rescued dog and quite a handful. The love he gave me was of quite a different kind to that offered by Sandy or by my precious Simi now but it was love nonetheless. He wouldn't let anyone near me!

And on this day, at 7.36 pm British time in 1993, my Mum died in my arms. Those of you who have been following the blog since August last year may recall that I like to have a drink to her at that time. And so I did tonight. Cincin, mamma.


  1. Anonymous10:03 pm

    Iechyd da!

  2. Lemon Cakes: You`ve just made cry ,
    Here`s to your darling Mama and Papa and much loved Doggies xxx
    P.S I`ve just about got my new Blog site "up and running" and after all the effort, I can`t think of anything to write about !

  3. Thanks, Ordo. It's a long time since anyone said that to me!
    True Blue, sorry I made you cry. Well done for setting up a blog. Inspiration will come - don't worry! Auguri from Sicily x

  4. Such a nice remembrance of your Mum and your dogs.

  5. Welshcakes, lots of sad memories this past week for you. It's good to remember these people and dogs for they all loved you well, each his/her/its own way and helped make you the person you are today.
    Toast them all, especially your Mum who chose you to be her beloved daughter.
    Take care

  6. Thanks, TF and jmb. That is very kind. I already feel better now August is over!

  7. Two lovely posts Welshcakes - remembrance days are sad but there are always so many happy memories as well. Cling to those in beautiful Sicily. Off to Venice today - wil ctach up when I get back.

  8. What a sad week for thoughts are with you. The love and memories they gave you, is something that you can hold on to.Love Anne x

  9. I'm v sorry to hear that.

    My step Mum loathes autumn for precisely the same reason as you... her Dad had had "migraine" for three weeks constantly and died suddenly around this time of year (it wasn't migraine at all it was a brain haemorrhage)... she was only about 32 at the time with a young son to look after and a husband who was as good as useless.

  10. Welshcakes, now I understand your anger last evening. I shall toast your mum this evening and you too. As for the other mentions, I'll aslo remember them.

    Strength to you.

  11. Thanks, Sally. You are right - there are happy memories as well. I will hold on to those. Have a lovely time in Venice. thank you for the empathy and understanding, Anne x You are kind, Gleds. Thank you. That must have been awful and very, very hard for your stepmum. That is very generous of you, James and I appreciate it. x

  12. What a horrid month it is for you.

    Love from Wales

  13. Thanks, Liz. I could do with some love from Wales x

  14. Anonymous6:53 pm

    I was born on this date 52 years ago WL. And I married Pete two years ago on 31st too. Some good things have come out of August but I'm thinking about you all the time out there in Sicily, my yet-to-be-met pal.

  15. Shirl, happy birthday and anniversary for the 31st. We'll meet one of these days.
