
Monday, July 23, 2007


I have many bras of differing colours and designed for differing purposes [other than the purpose they all have of making part of my anatomy defy gravity, that is]: T-shirt bras, strapless bras, make-the-most-of-'em bras, play-'em-down bras, lacy bras, smooth bras... And now at last this article explains why they are all in different sizes! Yes, I have bras ranging from a UK 34F / EU 75G /Ital 2G to a UK 40E /EU 90 / Ital 6 . [Most Italian manufacturers now use the same cup sizes as in the UK, I am glad to say.]

According to the article, if the depth/width sizing method is adopted [why didn't they ask women years ago? Any of us could have told them this was what was needed!] there could be 8 - 16 new size combinations. I am sitting here grinning at the thought of all those Italian lingerie shop owners who won't put their merchandise on display for you to examine it at your leisure but who pride themselves on guessing your exact size the moment you walk through the door having to learn an entire new system. They'll end up - err - in their cups!

Ok, Mutley, what do you make of it?


  1. Anonymous5:55 pm

    A lighter subject, or heavier depending on how you look at it, then the previous posts. Interesting subject, but I as a man I have nothing to offer.

  2. A C cup? Ooooh! I've just come over all funny.

  3. Have you male readers gone yet???I cannot and will not reveal the cup size I wear, as it creates the wrong picture (!)but I wish they would create a more precise model for me, as I can never get it right. I remember in France a sales assistant just giving up on me, saying 'impossible, impossible' ' You can imagine how I felt..Maybe That's what I could do with the rest of my life...

  4. I must admit to not wearing a bra.

    Fortunately on the occasions when I've bought them, my guesses have been accurate.

    Even if my taste wasn't always appreciated.

  5. You are a gentleman, Steve! Sorry, James! Janejill, I know exactly how you must have felt that time in France! Crushed, I always knew you had good judgement in all things!

  6. I still prefer the hat size method!!!

    I couldn't believe it when I saw the 'Word Verification' that blogger wanted me to put in for this comment "clBUSTw"

  7. Anonymous12:23 pm

    Sometimes C, sometimes C, makes Pete happy every day.

    But standardisation of sizing would be most welcome!

    I've read those 'how to measure' guides. But I cannot get the tape measure to rein in the flesh long enough to get a correct reading. Gravity is to blame, of course.

  8. Haha! Nice word verif you got, Age. Shirl, agree - gravity's the trouble!

  9. THank you, WElshcakes, you've inspired me to write a post! I've been feeling a bit blog-brian-dead recently but you've given me an idea. (I nearly always mistype brain like that and I rather like it!)

    I just had a quick glance at the article and what the researchers were saying seemed fairly obvious.

  10. Anonymous2:50 pm

    Sure I wrote 'sometimes C, sometimes D' - blogger's verifying my bust size now.

  11. Hi, Liz. Yes, I like the way you spell "brain" too! Look forward to reading the post. Hi, Shirl - everything's blogger's fault!

  12. Supposedly some manufacturers offer "half" sizes, now, too-- like B+ or C-.

    I think you made James' day. Heehee.

  13. Ruthie, I haven't seen any half sizes here yet. Dunno about making James's day - was scared I'd finished him off!!

  14. I've sent this straight along to Q and marked it on Delicious for myself. You are a regular public service blog my dear!

  15. Thanks, Lady M. I am now thinking of myself in a new light!
