
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sanremo 1967: Io tu e le rose - Orietta Berti - Live 1989

For no other reason than that I like it.


  1. I see you've got you tube working fine.
    Mine's playing up right now.

    They get sent, but don't turn up.

  2. Ciao, Crushed. I've had a lot of trouble with youtube today, actually, and was about to ask if anyone else was having problems - 'cos I always assume it's technophobe me!

  3. Anonymous12:04 pm

    Bravo. Always do what you enjoy and makes you happy.

  4. YouTube is very sketchy here..sometimes censored, sometimes just blurry.... I always assume it is the government and we are under "maximum" security alert just now. oh joy and rapture.

  5. I did enjoy this. It is good to be introduced to new artists. I have found the same problem with youtube; think I have found out the reason. Make sure that you are on youtube UK. If the union flag is in the corner I have had no problem.cderdao

  6. You are putting me to shame with all your YouTube posts, I had one bash, but am struggling to add a link for my survey on my widget. I must call Geoff.

    And you are in Second Life too, I must try and catch up with you before you start on Web 3.

  7. Can't argue with that, Steve! Lady M, I hadn't realised that even you tube could come under a security crackdown there but of course, it would. Thanks, MM. I'll try that. Oh, Ellee, I'm scared now - what is Web 3?!

  8. I've never heard of her before...she has a pure voice. :)

  9. Lee and Lizzie - glad you like it.

  10. Who needs any other reason?
