
Thursday, July 12, 2007


It's not often that I read a news item from Britain that actually cheers me up these days but today's story of the Queen, who may or may not have stormed out of a photo shoot after being asked to remove her tiara, is being reported here with amusement and some puzzlement. The BBC, of course, looks stupid, first saying that HM "stormed in" not out, and then having to apologise for showing the footage at all in a trailer for a documentary.

Now, I'm not normally one to defend the Windsors and have often thought that HM would do well to follow Coco Chanel's fashion advice to "look in the mirror and take one thing off" , in particular with regard to accessories. But hey, so the lady had a clothes tantrum! What woman doesn't and who among us does not know the feeling? You spend hours trying to look just right [admittedly with a lot of professional help in the case of Elisabetta ] decide, finally, that you will pass muster and then, when you do make an entrance, you don't need someone putting you down - particularly another woman! So welcome to the girls' club, Lizzie Windsor!
The Italian expression perdere le staffe for losing one's temper, literally "to lose one's stirrups" is rather appropriately used in this case, don't you think?!


  1. Anonymous10:15 pm

    She is the Queen. I guess the BBC was a little out of line. In America you can do pretty much what you want with the President, in the press.

  2. I keep hearing about it on the radio but haven't caught it on television yet - or won't they show it again now? No, I suppose they won't. Sounded like good fun. A bit cheerier than the usual news!

  3. I read that and I felt the same way. Also given her age she is bloody well right, she has been doing it a long time!

    I love the Italian expression, brilliant.

  4. Anonymous12:08 am

    I thought the story was brilliant too, WL. I admire the woman for one fact alone - being in the public eye all her life and hardly seeming to mind. All those ceremonies...and still at it, aged 80.

    For all the grand privileges, what price freedom? If anyone dared to come at me with a camera right now, I'd deck them - stained T-shirt (cooking & cleaning), unwashed hair (no time) and decidedly dodgy make-up (none). But I am free to be me.

  5. From what I saw on the television this morning, that footage was of her arriving for the photo shoot...after watching the series when Rolf Harris was painting the Queen, I really can't imagine her storming off like they depicted...she was most pleasant throughout her sittings with Harris.

    It makes for good TV, I guess...any publicity is good publicity, they say! ;)

  6. :-) Hm, BBC. Seems nobody but my closest friend noticed the greatest news for the past millennia. Want to start your day with a huge smile? Then have a look at my latest post.
    The peace of the night!

  7. Well who really knows what happened? After all the dust settles and the spin is spun, we'll probably never know. But where there's smoke there's probably fire.

  8. I suppose you could say that since they operate under her charter, she gets to decide what she wears when they take her picture.

  9. Hi, Steve. You can in GB re the Queen, too. It's just the BBC gets all sycophantic. Hi, Liz. It did make me laugh! Lady M, I'm surprised to find myself defending her but I do! Shirl, for her money I'd give up a good deal of my privacy. I wonder if she's getting cantankerous in her 80s? Good for her if she is but I can't imagine it. Lee, no, she stormed IN, apparently. Maybe she was just fed-up. I'm beginning to think the clip was edited in the wrong order deliberately now. Sean, I will come and look! Agree, jmb. CBI, agree too.

  10. I missed this story but I think we've come to a pretty pass when someone tells Her Majesty what she can or cannot wear. These things are usually handled though the equerries. It's an appalling indictment of how low Britain has sunk.

  11. Hi, James. A pretty pass, indeed. As you know, I'm not a royalist, but a girl can wear what she likes!
