
Tuesday, July 24, 2007


... parts of which are in a bit of trouble.

These are the landscapes of my childhood and I remember them thus.

- Just another reminder of how something can suddenly hit you for six, emotionally, when you live abroad.

Anti-monarchist that I am, though, I would like to know what our beloved heir to the throne, who has a mansion not a million miles from these scenes, is doing to help? [Other than being towed along in a dinghy to survey the scene, that is.] OK, I know he can't exactly throw Highgrove open to the public, for security and other reasons, but surely the man could do something?


  1. Good point, Welsh. I guess he's too involved in picking out a set of sheets for Carmilla. They will make the obligatory murmurings of sorror and distress, few of which will hold much sincerity or water (pun included).

  2. Anonymous12:25 pm

    Since the HRH abode is not far from here, I too admit to wondering if he's sloshing about in his wellies trying to rescue his leeks while all the people around him try to block theirs up.

  3. I believe he's already offered to open the space to those whom he deems - in his majesty - to be most worthy ... unfortunately they're several elm trees, a few begonias and a couple of polo ponies from the local riding school.

  4. Anonymous8:38 pm

    All are interesting ovservations. Not being from the UK, I'll not offer my two cents.

  5. He had a chat to his plants to see if they could help.
    I'm not sure it did much good.
    they haven't turned up yet.

  6. Lee, agree totally. Shirl, yes, that's what the twit will be doing! Spot on, UPM and Crushed.

  7. Your two cents worth are always welcome here, Steve.
