
Monday, June 11, 2007


When you live abroad there are times when you feel inordinately proud to be British and thus it has been with me for the past few days, because of this, or, rather, the reaction to it in Britain: Only the British could win the bid to stage the Olympics, underestimate the cost so abysmally, design a website that gives people epileptic seizures, pay £400,000 for the most ghastly logo imaginable and then turn it all into a national joke.
Italians just don't understand how we can laugh at it all. Here people would be shaking their heads in the streets and bars and feeling very much a sense of shame. Of course, no Italian would design such a monstrosity in the first place; those to whom I have shown it just stare in disbelief and there ensues an untypical silence.
Tom Paine has a nice take on the logo here.
Blogpower Awards: If you would like to vote for me please follow these links:
You can vote once a day in each category until 9pm Wednesday, UK time. Many thanks.


  1. Anonymous7:27 pm

    I seem to have heard something about this. Keep plugging away. You may just take 3 catagories.

  2. Oh, Steve, where's your hat?! Thyanks for your encouragement but I don't think so!

  3. Please canvas as much as possible Welshcakes - you are neck and neck on two of the three! I will remember tomorrow and Wednesday x

  4. you are soundly beating me in all contests.

    Should I laugh or be ashamed and inthe street discussing this?

  5. Anonymous11:37 pm

    I want to dispel the rumor that I am bald. I'm losing some in the back, but that is behind me.

    Wait and see.

  6. It's more than once a day, you know.

  7. My votes are in again.

    OK, I saw the logo... I don't understand the logo... it reminds me of something from the Cold War. Maybe let's hope it really is a work in progress.

    All the best,

  8. The "heat is on." It just a sprint to the finish;get your running shoes on Wlimoncello.

  9. Thanks, janejill. I don't think I can pester people much more, though! Sorry, C/u, but there's many a slip... perhaps we could console each other? You make me laugh, Steve - I'll wait eagerly and see! Thanks, James. Thank you, M. nice new name you've got there. Thanks, marymary - I'll try!

  10. Is James suggesting that we can vote each time we log on? Seems strange; if that is the case I wish I had known sooner.

  11. Hi, marymary. I don't think it's that. But it seems that the system will allow you to vote more than once a day some of the time. I think a certain number of pweople have to vote before you can try it again. I didn't know either.

  12. Well WCLC,
    We are "blessed"with the Winter Olympics in 2010. We already have huge cost overruns, we have a joke of an emblem, no doubt paid for with $millions, and we still have time to make more gaffs. The most horrendous thing will be if we have not enough snow or we have too much fog. We used to have a world class downhill race here but after being cancelled for three years in a row due to weather conditions, we lost it!
