
Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I was feeling low for several reasons this morning but as Simi and I were setting out on our first walk of the day, a gentleman who works in an office across the road shouted a greeting and added, "Signora, you're prettier every day". I know it's just banter, of course, but it certainly starts a girl's day well!

Later, when I went to top up my mobile phone in the tobacconist's, the lady owner - one of the few Sicilians outside my immediate circle who has a concept of Wales as a separate nation - asked me, "And how is Sir Tom?", for all the world as if I am personally acquainted with him. I said that, as far as I know, the"boyo" from Pontypridd is all right.

Another pleasure, and not an insignificant one, is simply being known, greeted and generally accepted. This takes time whenever you uproot yourself but longer, I think, when you move abroad and especially to a small, southern town like this. It took one lady who lives in this street a year to stop cutting me dead but now we greet each other like old friends. It is I who am the interloper in her community, after all, so I felt it was up to me to keep nodding and acknowledging her and to summon my pazienza. What a morning it was the first time she smiled broadly and returned my greeting!
Blogpower Awards: If you would like to vote for me, please follow these links:
You can vote in each category today and tomorrow, until 19.00 UK time on Wednesday. [Please note change of time.] I really need and appreciate your votes! Many thanks.


  1. Anonymous6:45 pm

    Welshcakes, you are neck and nec in the prettiest catagory. I had a woman post a comment on my blog. I went to her's and saw she was competeing in the best name. Marymary... I gave her a vote. You me want to drop into some blogs that you haven't in the past and just leave a comment.Blogs in America or Canada would be best for the time zone. You might pick up a few votes that way. I'll vote again tomorrow. Good luck.

  2. Hi, Steve. I know - it's scary! I love marymary's blog, and its name. Thanks for the tip. I will do it. You're a very kind man.

  3. I too have found marymary's blog and have added it to my reader... great to be finding all these new blogs thanks to JAMES.

    Wonder how long it will take me to be accepted here in my village...been here 2 years now and only know my next door neighbours and my hairdresser....

  4. How wonderful to be accepted in your small new community. You must have made such an effort and it has been appreciated. Good for you, girl.

    Say 'hello' to Tom for me, will you, bach?

  5. Sally, in my experience these things happen suddenly: one day, you don't know why, you are just accepted.
    Liz bach, I will!

  6. It's nice to receive compliments and boosts, particularly when feeling low. It looks like that lady has finally "accepted" you, Welsh. :)

    Votes are in...all the best. :)

  7. Many thanks, Lee. I appreciate your support.

  8. Welshcakes- thanks for stopping by my blog, I have third cousins or so from Wrexham. I've visited Wales many times and love it.

  9. Pending a Reichstag fire, I think that the winners in all categories now are pretty genuine. Things seem to have levelled out and there are no glaring oddities.

  10. of course you're the prettiest and the tastiest - you should get those Sicilian men online to vote for you.

  11. Palm Springs Savant, I enjoyed your blog. will be back over there later. I don't know Wrexham but of course know of it. Where else have you visited in Wales? Crushed, I am glad to hear that. It looked as if it was going to be spoiled earlier in the week, didn't it? WW - you know how to cheer a girl up, too!

  12. I think you would find a very similar situation in Britain too WCLC, if you moved to another part. Don't you? But it's great that you never gave up, neither would I.
