
Sunday, May 20, 2007


I stole this recipe from my Sicilian friend Irma many years ago. It is one of the simplest recipes I know of to prepare on a hot day. It looks elegant, too.

Poach some boneless, skinless chicken breasts until tender and no pink juices emit when they are pierced with a fork. Drain them and let them cool. Slice them, then dress with a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and Dijon-style mustard. [You can use a flavoured or honey mustard if you wish.] How much of everything? I don't know as it depends how many chicken breasts you are using and upon their size. But supposing you have two largeish ones, then I would say the juice of 1 very large lemon, a tablespoon or so of oil and about a teaspoon of mustard. Then decorate with capers and sultanas. This is a dish which looks pretty served upon what Elizabeth David called the "eternal lettuce leaves"* so I make no apologies for using them here. The dish may be served chilled or at room temperature and you can, of course, arrange the cooked chicken slices on a platter well in advance, then dress and decorate them at the last minute. Even if you dress and decorate them a couple of hours in advance, everything will still be all right.

I like to serve this with pesto potatoes: Roast some new potatoes [I never bother to peel them] in olive oil, then drain them and toss with freshly made pesto. You can use red pesto if you want a contrast of colour. I always make green pesto but do buy the red.
* In French Provincial Cooking [1960]


  1. Anonymous5:49 pm

    Looks delecious. I have some chicken breast, but don't think I could do this.

  2. Sounds more interesting than what we're having.
    Beyond my powers though, I fear.

  3. The professional can always make the fiendishly tricky seem simple and elegant. The dish looks a treat.

  4. Well that sounds easy and looks good. I'll have to try it soon, when we get some hot weather. Global warming has missed Vancouver so far this year.

  5. What a mouth watering pisture - I will , I Must try to do this - I love chicken and have not even thought of poaching it. Your photos are just fantastic Welshcakes. What's the weather like now? I once did a chart trying to work out the best climate and so recorded temperatures for almost a year (sad?) I forgot about "precipitation" and so ended up near one of the wettest villages in Spain ..(Casares)

  6. This sounds delicious! I'd never thought of doing potatoes with pesto neither, strangely enough, but it sounds good!

    On the pesto front, I once made Chicken breast with green grapes in a pesto and Cianti sauce, served with sautee potatoes and veg - delicious!!!

  7. That looks a good idea for a picnic. There are a few in the diary for June: hope that global warming returns by then.

  8. I saw this pic posted on James' site yesterday and thought it was something he had created to impress! It certainly sounds scrummy.

  9. Anonymous7:29 pm

    Welshcakes -

    You are a lifesaver. OK, I hyperbolate; you are a supper saver. A couple of friends announced last evening that they intended to stop by. Naturally they would want feeding. Fortunately for me, I recently seen this post, so I thought "Aha! Just the thing."

    I'm still not sure what happened to the raisins. I'm sure I had some in the pantry. Never mind. There were shelled pistachios in the freezer, so I used those instead. It was brilliant.

    Thank you for the inspiration. You were the hit of the supper conversation.

  10. Hope you understood I linked through the pic, Welshcakes.

  11. Hi, Steve. You could, you know! Crushed, what were you having? I'm sure it's not beyond you! Thanks, James - and for the link on your site, too. Ciao, jmb. Yes, do try it. Hope you get good weather soon. You are kind, janejill. Hot in the mornings and late afternoon with a little rain midday at the moment. Making the most of it before the unbearable heat kicks in! Thanks, Steven. Your chicken dish sounds wonderful. I love grapes with chicken. WW< yes, I think it would make a fine picnic dish. Hope you get some picnic weather before long! Thanks, Ellee - it is rather good. Ludlingtonian, you have cheered up my night! Me - a supper saver!! I'm glad your friends enjoyed it and the pistacchi sound a brill idea - I 'll try it that way next time I make it. Auguri a tutti.

  12. I got two take way pizzas on the way back from the pub.
    I tell a lie, I actually got BACK from the pub, was reminded I forgot the Pizzas and was sent out again.
    My flatmate just wanted an excuse for me not to kick off myspace so I could do some serious blogging.

  13. James, yes, I did work it out - I knew you'd have linked somewhere! - and thank you again. Crushed, you do make me laugh. Hope they were nice pizzas!

  14. I've told her she can have it for her Myspace chatting tomorrow from nine to eleven.

    Which happends to be when CSI is on.

  15. I never peel potatoes. The only vegetables I peel are onions and garlic...the on for me!

    That recipes sounds like a great luncheon recipe, Welsh. :)

  16. By the way, you poach the chicken in white wine with a dash or two of lemon juice?

  17. Hi, Crushed. Er - what's CSI? [Been away too long!] Lee, glad you agree re potatoes - Got better things to do than peel them! Lee, for this recipe, I don't. I just poach them in plain old water as they are going to get the lemon flavour in the dressing.
