
Saturday, May 19, 2007


- The scene outside our greengrocer's today. They threw in an enormous bunch of flat-leaved parsley with my purchases!

As you see, my new camera battery has arrived!


  1. Anonymous9:40 pm

    Let's hear it for the battery. Hip Hip... I know you are pleased.

  2. You mean you bought everything in the photos? Wow!

  3. Hope to see more great pictures...

    Best wishes


  4. Thanks, Steve. I'm holding my breath and hoping it keeps working! Not quite, James ... not quite. AW & LA - nice to meet you and I'm coming over to your blogs tomorrow. Thanks for commenting. Auguri.

  5. What a lovely bunch of coco...whoops...garlic!

  6. Is that garlic with the stalks like that? I have never seen anything like it!


    I love garlic! Great shots...

  7. No prices and no names! I am always amazed that I see things in the Italian markets that I don't recognize. We think we can get everything everywhere but there are always some new things to intrigue us when we travel.

  8. I can see tomatoes, onions and garlic mainly. Did you have a tomato salad with crushed garlic, finely chopped onion with some parsley on top? With olive oil, of course. Sounds good.
    Have you ever tried smoked garlic?

  9. Love stalls like that WL...I shudder when I go shopping here....everything has to be just so....when we were on holiday there, we went shopping everyday for our dinner or lunch..

  10. It is gestures like that of the greengrocer which can lift your spirits for the day I think. I do miss sweet tomatoes (apart from hugely expensive tiny plum ones from M and S.

  11. Oops! I seem to have forgotten to reply to some of the comments on this one, so apologies to all: Nice one, Lee! Hi, M, yes, garlic in the front. I love it, too. Jmb, he does put labels and prices up but they fall down in the wind and with people's enthusiasm to get at the goods! Hi, eurodog, no, I didn't that day but I love that kind of salad. Yes, I love smoked garlic, too. Anne, I agree. Janejill, you are right: a gesture like that lifts your heart.
