
Tuesday, March 20, 2007


In Italy, things can appear to be going swimmingly for you; then suddenly you will come up against an element of Italian bureaucracy and if you're me, you will take it personally! For nearly two years, I have paid the rent on the designated day of the month into my landlord's bank. Apart from the fact that you have to produce about 500 documents to carry out the simplest transaction in Italy and so have to remember to take them along with you, this has never been a problem - until today:

Bank clerk: "You can't do that any more."
Me: "Sorry?"
Bank clerk: "You're not allowed to do that any more."
Me: "But I've been paying this rent in for nearly two years, in this very bank, and you've got all the details on your computer so why can't I do it today?"
Bank clerk: "Because they've changed the law, signora, and now no one can make a payment into anyone else's bank account."

This, I imagine, is anti-mafia legislation, but I have convinced myself it's the Italian State conspiring to make my little life more difficult. For god's sake, Italy, why do you have to upset ordinary, innocent folk with it and why don't you at least tell us about it? ! [Banking in Britain is so straightforward in comparison and any change in the law like that would occasion your own bank to write to you explaining it.] Grrrrr!!!!! Reader, my pazienza has deserted me!


  1. With the greatest of respect, Welshcakes, you persist in living in a country noted for its cuisine but not for its bureaucratic logic. It's sudden moves can take the breath away.

  2. THe money laundering regulations in the UK are becoming a right pain in the backside, certainly for changing signatories on society bank accounts.

  3. What a bummer. I'm sure your landlord isn't going to be pleased about the new law either... now he'll have to get your rent and take it to the bank himself. Oy vey!

  4. Anonymous12:39 am

    In the USA, I would start a new company to process tenant payments to landlords via credit card :-)

  5. How bloody frustrating! I would have been very annoyed too, to say the least!

  6. Ah the beaurocracy of Italy. My daughter's father in law is an accountant (commercialista not ragioniere)and complains bitterly about constant changes to the tax laws with no notice to anyone.

    Did you have to wait in a long line to be told that?

  7. I joined a pension scheme. It involved about £15 a month (I'm going to live it up when I retire!!) and you would not believe the money-laundering checks I had to go through )or maybe you would, living with Sicilian bureaucracy). The number of documents they wanted, then returned saying it wasn't adequate and they needed something else.

    But that is crazy! And so inconvenient. All these systems are supposed to be for our benefit - aren't they?

  8. Do you mean it's now cash only transactions? Couldn't you simply set up a standing order?

  9. Lo dico sempre: per comprendere a fondo la nostra buracrazia ci vuole una laurea in psichiatria (e fa' anche rima).

  10. Anonymous7:27 pm

    We can still pay rent into our landlords account. But it wouldn't surprise me if German's changed that. Life is not getting easier.

  11. James, you have a point there! Delicolor, I didn't know that. Judy, the landlord is as stunned as I am! Will be posting on this later or tomorrow. Gary, there's USA enterprise for you! They don't like credit cards here much, either, though! Thanks, Lee, for the empathy! Jmb, yes, I gather the tax laws are an even worse nightmare. No, didn't have to wait - I am usually the only person in that bank! Liz, yes, I probably would believe it, now! Well, they tell us these things are for our benefit.... WW: no, you are apparently not allowed to set up an s.o. on another person's account either! [You can for utility bills - at the moment!] Irenula, ha ragione- una laurea d'italiano non basta!

  12. I really sympathise - we had a similar problem in Spain - our phone and electricity bill could only be paid in to certain banks at certain times and on specified days; we were living up in the mountain and got pretty fed up when we arrived at the wrong time or the wrong bank. there was no chance of persuading them either. I am now finding the UK is fading too - I have been told that, due to "fraud" it is fairly likely I will be denied cash from my Debit Card when I am abroad!.

  13. Hi, janejill. I didn't know it could be as bad in Spain! And denying cash off a Brit debit card abroad - oh, no!
