
Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Mucking about with the layout tonight. I "may be some time"!


  1. I thought I had walked into the wrong room, Welsh! Don't surprise me that way! ;)

  2. Sorry, Lee! Haven't finished mucking about yet so you may be in for more surprises!

  3. What a surprise I had - whatever will happen next Welshcakes? Please don't keep us in suspense. And an update on the caponata, everything to hand and plan to tend the seething pot ASAP...... will keep you posted.

  4. Anonymous5:22 pm

    Welshcakes - Was at home with mater on Mother's Day. I asked her why she didn't make Welsh Cakes with Choccy Chips in, instead of Currants ?

    She thought that might be a good idea - so I shall report back ! Choccy Chip Welshcakes - could even make a good 'blog' handle...

    p.s. Don't you miss Wales ? I only live just over the border, and in my old codger state am starting to get very envious of seeing all the little lambsies frolicking around on the rolling hills...sorry, I am getting schmaltzy and saccharine..
    I will be singing Sound of Music songs next...

  5. Hi, sally. Oh, I might just change some colours and fonts now - nothing fancy 'cos I can't do it! Enjoy making and eating the caponata!

  6. Hi again, anon! choccy chip Welshcakes - I don't see why not! Do report back - it sounds a great idea to me. You don't sound at all like an old codger, btw. Yes, I miss Wales - you couldn't live in a place for so long and not do so, or it would be a sad comment on your past life, wouldn't it? I miss its greenery [though I am a city-lover rather than a nature lover], its accents, things that work and department stores!

  7. make big changes and then leave well alone is my advice!

  8. Anonymous6:10 pm

    Although oddly enough, your going to Italy is being balanced by a little bit [more] of Italy coming to Wales.

    We've got the cheese and the ham - now we just need some home grown ciabatta..

  9. C/u, thanks. I will try!
    Anon, I got into the first website you mention and it's very interesting. Thanks. I couldn't access the second one but will try later. Yes, a bit more of Italy in Wales!
