
Saturday, February 17, 2007


Hi, folks, it's Simi here! I told you I'm just like the Queen as I have two birthdays, didn't I? Well, today's my "official" one, the eighth anniversary of the day my mummy got me. Such a lucky mummy!

We've had some adventures since then, especially flying all the way to Sicily together and me having my own special passport! Then we lived in a very small kennel for a few weeks till we moved into the present one. I don't mind that it doesn't have a garden as I get more walks now and sometimes I even get to stroll along the shores of the Med, which my mummy tells me is a very smart thing for a dog to do, as if I don't know that!

Last week I dropped my "ropey toy" in the bath and it got a bit soggy so for my presie today I got this new one. [Hee-hee! Wait till she gets in the shower tonight!]

I'll be back to check on you all again soon, but right now I need to check on my very own human.

Buona serata a tutti,
Simi X


  1. Anonymous10:58 pm

    Happy anniversary, Simi! Your mummy is very lucky to have you!

    Atually I think we're very lucky to have our mummies but we can't tell them that!

  2. Hello, Harvey - Simi writing! I agree with you that we can't let our mummies know as it might go to their silly, human heads! Lots of love, Simi xxx

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday Simi...from Remy and Shama...they send a bagful of purrs your way! :)

  4. Simi says: "Thanks, Auntie Lee and thanks to your puddy-cats, too! Mummy and I love reading your blog."

  5. Nice to meet you, Anne. We will!

  6. You really should monetise your talking dog there is a lot of money to be made there....

  7. Simi, you are such a cuti; I could take you home any time. One day I will have a little dog, and, if I'm lucky , ateo cats and an African grey parrot...

  8. c/u, tell me more!! Janejill, Simi is delighted you think she's cute - which, of course, she is!

  9. Happy belated birthday from Mojo to Simi! And, um, what you gonna do with that ropey toy you dropped in the bath, hunh? It's probably nice and stinky right now, and if you were thinkin' about sending it over the fence to my house I'd be ever so grateful. Hunh, Simi? Whadaya say, hunh?

    Your pal,

  10. Simi says: Hi, Mojo. How nice to have an American pal! OK, I'll throw Mr-Ropey-Toy over for you. Have fun! xxx
