
Friday, January 05, 2007


Ciao e Buon Anno ai miei lettori! I bet that surprised you! Woof! - It's Simi here again!

Well, I don't know what's the matter with my mummy: fancy posting a portrait of herself and not showing you all Uncle Gino's painting of me! It's much better, don't you think? He did it from this splendid photo of me which appears in my EU doggy passport.

While I'm at the paw-board, I'd just like to wish a Happy New Year to my commenting pal Tobes and to Mojo, Harvey and Holly and all my dogblogging friends out there! This is Simi's New Year message: Take care of your human, and your human will take care of you. XX


  1. Anonymous11:38 pm

    Did Simi manage to behave herself while posing so elegantly?

  2. Ahhh, Simi...that's cute! I see that you're too shy to do any nude modelling! ;)

  3. Anonymous2:46 pm

    Aw, Simi, what a fantastic painting of you! No-one has ever painted me and I don't have my own passport either.

    I try to take care of my human, especially during the day when she is alone, I try to keep her company but she always tells me off for barking for no reason! I don't think she always appreciates me!

    It is hard being a misunderstood dog. But i know they love me and I love them too. I think you and I are lucky dogs.

    Have a great 2007, Simi!

    BTW my mum said to tell your mum that she is commenting but it looks like the comments are disappearing.

  4. Mojo sends his greetings to you, Simi! Happy New Year, and may 2007 be filled with lovely things to smell!

  5. Anonymous8:02 pm

    Hi WL, Some of my comments haven't been posted of late, are you having problems with blogger?

  6. I know for certain I did comment on the post a couple of days ago. I've been experience problems with blogger over the past three days, so maybe it was gobbled up as well.

    I praised Simi for his modeling prowess and noted he must be quite shy as he's not turned to nude modeling as yet!

  7. Simi your beautiful! Happy Woof New Year to you too! ~M So cute!

  8. Anonymous6:09 am

    Woof! Nice painting there. My humans just had one done of me for Xmas, but I think it makes me look fat (I swear that has nothing to do with all that Xmas eating ;-)

    Frieda the Bulldog Bitch

  9. Hi again, Lee. Thanks for recommenting. I don't know what's the matter with this thing lately! Simi is delighted you like her pictures [yes, she's a she, named after de Beauvoir!] and she says she'll only model nude when we face desperate times!
    Hi Frieda, this is Simi. Pleased to meet you! We're coming to visit your human's blog now! Auguri.

  10. Anonymous9:07 am

    Hi Simi,
    Great painting. Fancy being an artist's model! I hope your mum has hung your painting on the wall (I notice there are no pictures of me on my walls)

    It is very wild here today. I don't think I'll take my mum out in it; she's getting on, you know.
    Have a wooffing day!
    Harvs x

  11. Hi, Harvs, it's Simi. I'm so glad you like my portrait. Don't worry, I made my mummy put it on the wall and very fine it looks, too! Yes, we have to look after our ageing humans, don't we? They have no sense at all, dragging us out in all weathers! Hope you're having a woofing day, too! XX
