
Friday, November 03, 2006


It is still warm enough to go out without a jacket in the daytime, although we have reached the point where you do need long sleeves. The evenings, however, are getting cooler. Soon I will get the rugs out to make the place look more cosy. Italians, by the way, don't really understand the concept of "cosiness": when I first moved in and announced to the friend who was helping me that I wanted to put my armchair and settee close to the ornamental electric fire I had brought from Britain - I only ever have the decorative coal-effect on - she looked at me as if I was mad! "Why there? It will make the room look smaller!" I tried to explain that this is what we do - sit around a focal point fire in winter - but the winters are so short here that she couldn't see why that mattered to me.
The lady who lives upstairs came to see me today: she, like me, fears that the water in the cistern will run out by Sunday. This time, she will ring and ask for a fill-up. Watch this space!


  1. Anonymous10:23 pm

    I tried to comment earlier and it wouldn't work, so just testing.

  2. Anonymous10:24 pm

    I thought this was such a charming insight into the differences between Sicilian and British culture. I have my armchairs by my fire, which will soon be lit, we have already had our first overnight frost.
