
Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Halloween is not celebrated here in any big way, and I am rather glad as "trick or treat" is getting a bit out of hand in Britain. [I used to be one of the "grumps" who would batten down the hatches and pretend not to be in, I'm afraid.] However, people do know about it here and the primary schools mark the occasion. Some bars and shops have displayed carved pumpkins, I heard fireworks last night and this morning saw some evidence of flour having been thrown outside a nearby school. So maybe it is catching on. [It would be difficult to do "trick or treat" in an area where most people live in flats, though, and I don't think Italian parents would allow the wanton waste of food or approve of the threatening aspect to the vulnerable.]
Today, Tutti i Santi, is a national holiday but some shops and businesses have been open today and will close tomorrow for the Sicilians' favourite festival, I Morti [the Day of the Dead]. This is not at all a sad festival, as you might expect: people go to the cemetery and picnic among the graves and children receive gifts from their dead relatives. Supermarkets and ironmongers sell special red lights which are burned there and frutti di Martorana [marzipan fruits] and sugar statuettes form part of the gift packages. I think this festival is a good one, as it teaches children at an early age that death is part of this life and that the dead are not to be feared.


  1. Anonymous8:37 pm

    Vey informative. That's one thing I love about your blog. Nice to learn things about Italy. I Morti sounds like a nice way to teach the children about life.

  2. Anonymous10:59 pm


  3. Being so close to Mexico, we celebrate Day of the Dead here, too! And you're right... it's a happy holiday. You can get sugar skulls, although, I think I would scarf down marzipan first, no matter what.

  4. Anonymous3:44 pm

    Yes, that's very interesting, sounds much more pleasant and civilised than our trick or treating here.

  5. Hi Welshcakes, from a welsh woman of a similar age living in Swansea!

    Be glad of the heat - it has turned VERY cold here, all of a sudden. Last weekend was unseasonably and pleasantly warm, but the last couple of days it's been freezing!

    I turn the lights off over Halloween too (although I was out this year) and I don't like it at all.

    I came to your blog from Steve's (who for some reason I keep wanting to call Gary!)and will be back!

  6. Hi, Liz. Thanks for visiting. How lovely to hear from another Welshwoman! Say hello to Swansea for me!
