
Tuesday, October 31, 2006


The temperature has been around 31 C all day today and I have decided I'm just not programmed to cope with that kind of warmth at this time of year! [That's typically British - never being content with the weather.] Even a Sicilian acquaintance I bumped into in the supermarket this morning said she was ready for some cooler days now.

When I returned from Britain I think I did the cambio di stagione [season change] of my clothes a little too enthusiastically: I donned my autumn and winter blacks and then a neighbour asked me if it was for il lutto [mourning]. It was nice of him to be concerned but it made me change back to lighter coloured clothes! I think a lot of the women here don't quite know what to wear at the moment: denim ensembles seem to be a good solution until the weather makes its mind up.


  1. Anonymous9:09 pm

    So why do you think it is so warm? It must be global warming. Our day in the UK started quite mild and has suddenly become much, much chillier. I get my fire swept on Thursday by the chimney sweep, so we will be ready for our cosy coal fire and crumpets soon after.

  2. Hello, Ellee. Yes, it must be global warming. Friends here say that even in high summer, there didn't use to be so many unbearably hot days. A coal fire and crumpets - what bliss! I haven't had crumpets toasted at a coal fire in over 40 years!

  3. WL. It is great to have such warm weather. Sunday morning I was in Puglia and we were able to have breakfast al fresco. My sister even changed into her shorts! Not something I would like to have tried back in England on Monday morning. MM.

    PS. You will need to update your blogroll as Gullible's Travels has moved to

  4. Anonymous11:17 am

    There is something taking place with the weather. Here in Germany we had a record hot July, then August was really cold and wet. It is windy today and snow is expected soon. I envy your warm weather.

  5. Anonymous1:24 pm

    WL, We have toasted marshmallows too, though they are a bit too sweet for me. I love the taste of freshly toasted bread best of all, covered with lashings of butter.

    It is much cooler today with a cold, northerly wind.

  6. Hi, Mark and Steve. Yes, I know I'm very lucky with the weather, really. But a girl does like to wear her autumn clothes, too! Have updated the blogroll, Mark. Hi, Ellee. There's nothing as comforting as hot toast with butter!
