
Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 It was a great pleasure, on Saturday, to be able to visit the Infiorata di Noto (carpet of flowers) again in person, as it has not been held as a "live" event for the past two years because of the pandemic. This year's theme was the Val di Noto Baroque cities, marking the twentieth anniversary of these eight towns becoming, collectively and deservedly, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

For the first time, the Infiorata has been held for five days instead of three, from last Friday until today, allowing many more people to enjoy it. Also for the first time, it has been necessary to buy a ticket - not to enter the city but to walk along via Nicolaci where the carpet has been displayed - at the very reasonable price of €2,50 per person. These could be purchased on site or online, though I have to say that the latter system took some time!

Because you are walking on one side or the other of the display you are contending with some strange angles for photos and also with sun and shadow and having to crop out faces, so I did the best I could:

As always, no visit to Noto is complete without a visit to the Caffè Sicilia, where you can partake of delicious and unique ice creams such as this one. Finally, here is your faithful blogger enjoying the Noto sunshine.

Well done, Noto and thank you for a great day!


  1. What a beautiful display. Noto is wonderful. When we drove there, they were doing
    roadwork on the road to the main entrance. Our GPS drove us through alleys and
    laundry lines and we ended up on the main pedestrian only street. A very polite
    policeman stopped us issued us a ticket and then let us drive across town to the bus
    parking lot. I asked about paying the ticket and he said AVIS would do it. Avis said
    I had to pay at a post office. By then we were at the airport on our way to Milan.
    In Milan, I asked at the info desk at the Post Office how to pay. While rummaging
    through a drawer to find the right form, the one worker sad to the other that I was crazy for paying a fine since I lived in the United States. It is still a fond memory

  2. Hi, Paul. What a great story and memory! I can just imagine it! Best wishes.

  3. The flower display looks spectacular and the ice cream is so tempting.

  4. Hi, CherryPie. Yes, it was so lovely to it again and the ice cream was fabulous!
