
Thursday, March 01, 2018


Yes, I've had a long break from blogging, for health and other reasons but I've never let a St David's Day go by without posting and I will not do so now.  So HAPPY ST DAVID'S DAY, wherever you are!

Over at London Town Modica - Centro Linguistico Internazionale we've been celebrating as usual and even the Queen popped in:

Later we decided we needed more cake:

Whatever is going on in her life, a girl needs to keep on trying, so here are my St David's Day nails and top:

Bertie-Pierrine had a St David's Day haircut and is feeling very waggy:

And finally, some St David's Day music. I love this version of The Ash Grove:

Stay happy. Stay Welsh, even if you're not and stay kind!


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the health issues, and I hope you are on the mend. That's a fine cake! We used to sing "The Ash Grove" at school and even though they were English words I could tell it was a Welsh tune, there's something characteristic about it although I'm not enough of a musician to know what it is.

  2. Hi Welshcakes,
    So sorry to learn you've notbeen well
    and I hope you're feeling better.
    Some lovely snaps too, Happy St David's day,
    love Di xx
