
Monday, November 06, 2017


Well, I've had a bit of a blogging hiatus and I expect regular readers will be wondering how Bertie-Pierrine is. She's fine, thank you, but, like her mummy, she's not really keen on certain mornings:

The rest of the time, though, she's exceedingly waggy and can even do it to order:

She's an incredibly sociable dog and enjoyed herself immensely last night at the opening of my friend Tiziana's new premises for her very successful pet shop Le 4 Zampe. There were lots of both human and doggie friends there and you could hear excited barking and yapping all the way down our extremely long street! Doesn't Tiziana look glamorous?

Well done, Bertie-Pierrine for being a good girl at the party and lots of good wishes to Tiziana for her new shop.


  1. what a lovely little waggie tail Bertie p has,
    she is obviously a very much loved girl and a
    wonderful little friend to her Mummy. So glad
    she enjoyed the party.
    Hope you are keeping well Pat, lovely
    pic of you and BP tooxx
    love Di and Chloe xxx

  2. I hope that all is well for you and Bertie-Pierrine and I hope you have a good run up to Christmas!

  3. I'm glad to see all is well with you and Bertie, Pat. A very Merry Christmas to you both...take good care. :)
