
Saturday, April 16, 2016


Continuing my look back at significant posts in the run-up to this blog's tenth "blogversary", I cannot leave out the person - for to me she was, and remains, a person - who accompanied me to Sicily and sustained me until her death in 2015.  Regular readers will know that I am referring to my darling dog Simi, who often took over the blog and got more comments than I did!

Here are three of her best:

What the savvy dog is wearing - 14th January 2009

Hi, folks. Simi here!

I bet you’ve been wondering where I was! Well, I’ve been very busy trying to keep my mummy under control and for two days I’ve had to bark all the way through a hurricane! And mummy’s always on the computer so a dog can hardly get a paw in edgewise on the keyboard these days.

But I knew you’d all want to see my new toy, which I got for Christmas. It’s called Mr Bally-squeak. [My mummy says I mustn’t put those two words together the other way round. I can’t imagine why – it must be just one of those human things I can’t understand again.] I also got this rather slinky top for my birthday. I had to wait for it as mummy ordered it especially from my friend Mr Enzo’s shop. She says I’m a BIG girl now I’m 10 and that BIG girls who mean business wear black! [She must be right because when I stroll saucily down the road in it I stop that old poodle in his tracks.] Ever since the top arrived mummy’s been chasing me around the house trying to persuade me to pose in it. This morning I decided to humour her and I lay on the bed so that you could all see the pretty heart. Don’t I look a sassy girl? Mummy said it was like trying to photograph Princess Diana so then I posed with my Diana eyes. “That’s enough of that – I’m off!” I said when she’d taken that one. My new auntie, la zia Rosa, was cleaning the shower by then so I had to go and help by getting under it and jumping up at her. I like la zia Rosa because she calls me “amore” and tells mummy I am “troppo intelligente” [which is true, of course!]

Well, ciao for now, fans. I hope you get all the doggie-chews you can eat this year!

Love from

Simi xx woof!

A Ferragosto message from Simi - 15th August 2011

Hi, folks.  It's Simi here!

That Queen lady who is mummy to all those corgis is not the only one to post messages at holiday time, you know!

Well, I'll bet you've all been wondering how I cope with the heat in August:  it's not a problem really, as I've had my second summer haircut and my mummy bought me this hat.  That ole black poodle down the road is swooning away!  

My mummy says it's not a holiday today in all of your countries and that it isn't one in Wales, where we used to live.  I can't remember because every day's a holiday for me - hee- hee!

Wherever you are, fans, I hope you've had a very woofy and waggy ferragosto!

Love from

Simi xxxx woof!

Look who's writing! - 19th December 2012

And my birthdoggieday and Christmas presie combined - well, she says they're combined but I'm sure I'll get some more doggie treats - is this lovely, warm raincoat with a hood. Isn't it the Pekingese knees? 

This is my "strut the dogwalk" pose

and you have to admire the back view, fans!

As usual, that ole black poodle down the road is a-whining and a-pining for me, hee-hee!

Hope you're all being good so that Santa Paws will bring you lots of chewies!

See you soon.


Simi xxxx woof!

I'll always miss you, my precious Simi.  Thank you for giving us all such a lot of fun on the blog.


  1. Great revisit, you were a great Mum!

  2. Ahhr! Darling Simi, my favourite bloggo doggo, and Chloe cat and I
    still miss her, don't we Chlo ? 'Purr Purr zzzzzzng', said Princess
    Chloe, who is stretched out across he Mama's lap. When Chloe snoozes
    she has beautific smile on her face, almost like The Cheshire Cat but
    not so scary.
    Hope you are keeping well Pat and gorgeous little Bertie Pierrine, I
    bet she's quite grown up now.

    Love Di,
    and Chloe.... purr purr zzzng xxxxx
