
Saturday, April 23, 2016


What with all the excitement of our do on Thursday in honour of a certain lady, I almost forgot it was the tenth anniversary of this blog too!

When I first started writing the blog - and I confess I didn't really know what I was doing - I thought it would discipline me into writing almost every day and enable me to give something back to Sicily by dispelling a few myths.  I think it has done those two things but I have gained so much more from it:  The blog has kept me going through good times and bad, has given me the opportunity to learn new technological skills and has, on occasion, led to professional writing assignments.

But most importantly, through the blog I have made friends all over the world and I have met some of my fellow-bloggers, such as Katia Amore of Love Sicily, Liz, James, Bill and Eric and Ellee Seymour.  To all of them, and all of you, I would like to extend my love and my thanks for reading Sicily Scene.

I don't have the time to post as often as I used to, but I have no intention of giving up! I'm currently working on a cookbook.

Here is a song from the island that inspires the blog:

Tariqa - Luna, luna


  1. And I think I've probably been on this ride with you the whole way, Pat! I commenced my blog in 2006, too. Happy Anniversary to us both! :)

  2. Congratulations! You are so involved in Sicilian life that it is always a pleasure to read your blog, Pat.

  3. Thank you, Lee and congratulations to you, too! Thank you, Jenny.

  4. Congratulations on your 10 blog anniversary, Pat! I began blogging a year later and I'm like you --writing less often but still enjoying it very much. I like learning more about Sicily through your blog--it is always enjoyable to visit you here!

  5. Thank you so much, Pat. That means a lot to me.
