
Monday, February 15, 2016


As some of you will know, I hit the ripe old age of 66 yesterday. I am no wiser than I was at 16 but one thing experience has taught me:  At this juncture, I can either sit around and wait for the wretched stroke, or I can have pink highlights in my hair. I opted for the pink highlights, courtesy of Giorgio at Saloni di Successo, Modica:


  1. Many happy returns of the day there! Younger every year.

  2. Happy birthday Pat. I hope you had a lovely day. Woohoo pink highlights. Take care love Anne x

  3. Happy Birthday Pat,
    I hope you had a lovely day.
    I shall be celebrating my 70th on Friday....I don't feel
    such a grand age...what is age any way...'tis naught but a number!
    Your hair is lovely, such a delicate shade and beautifully coiffured!
    Love Di and Chloe,
    Chloe has just gone to the vet's with Ingrid and Ian,
    she's got a cyst underneath her left eye,
    poor Ingrid got bitten as she tried to put her in the
    pet carrier, naughty cat xx
    love to Bertie Pierine xxx

  4. Thank you all so much. Sorry about late reply.
