
Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Last year, I published this recipe for lemon polpette which I had adapted from a magazine.  Well, now I have adapted the adaptation and I thought you might like to know about it!  I had three-quarters of an enormous red pepper to use up, you see, so I decided to add it to the polpette mixture:  I just chopped most of it up very finely in order to do so but left a little to cut into strips to strew among the polpette in the roasting tin. It looks pretty and if they char a bit, it adds to the appeal!

Oh, and I left the garlic out this time - because I didn't have any.

This adaptation worked very well and I'll definitely continue making the recipe this way.

Tip:  If you find that the mixture doesn't quite bind together with these measures [Italian eggs are bigger than UK ones] just add a little lemon juice.


  1. It all looks delicious to me. :)

  2. The polpette look great, but I'm really commenting here to find out how to sign up for email updates.

    I just found your blog and would love to follow it, but don't want to sign in via facebook, so some guidance would be appreciated.


  3. Thanks, Lee. Hello, Bixaorellana. I don't have that feature but will look into it., Thanks for visiting. Anch'io, Saucy Siciliana!
