
Friday, June 12, 2015


"Una busta, cinque euro; un assaggio, non si paga! - Five euros a bag and you don't have to pay for a taste!" calls the fruit seller from a lorry teeming with melons on a hot morning.

Then he carves off an enormous, juicy slice for me to try and even offers to carry a bag of six melons home for me if I buy them.  I was convinced at the first refreshing bite and, as he is carrying, I buy a bag of his potatoes as well.

I see that he is sold out by 10 am and the next day he is there again, with piles of large, shiny black cherries. ..... 


  1. Not short of produce then.

  2. Oooh! My mouth waters, I hope you bought some cherries the next day!
    You must have a healthy constitution Pat, being able to eat such delicious
    fresh fruit.
    one of the many fruits we enjoyed whilst travelling in Turkey was the delicious cherries, they are terribly expensive here, as is most fruit !
    Love to you and Bertie Piereine,
    Di xxxx and Chloe purr purr zzzzn

  3. Oh cherries - yes please. Big and fat and black and juicy.

  4. Cannot believe the price , amazing. And yes I am sure they were very tasty.

  5. Yes, I did, Di! Lots of love to you and Chloe from us. xx Couldn't agree more, Liz. They were indeed, Anne.

  6. Hi, James. No, that's one thing Sicily is not short of.
