
Friday, March 13, 2015


There seems to be a fashion for combining Ester eggs with clothing items this year, which I would have thought was a bit of a risk in a country which does not like diversification in the retail sector. I've seen some Easter eggs wrapped in jolly headscarves and I must say the Condorelli "L'Egging" is cheerful too:

I doubt that even Kate Moss is thin enough to use it as a legging but the leaflet on the egg does suggest using it as a scarf or hair band.  Perhaps Bertie-Pierrine will set a new canine fashion in it!

Anyway, I enjoyed the pun - and the chocolate!


  1. Back in the 1980's there were leg warmers and that's what it looks like to me. Strange. I wouldn't think of that for Easter.

    My middle son left for Italy today. He's visiting Rome and Florence with a group of high school kids. He was looking forward to going back to the country where he was born. He was only 6 months old when we left. I wish he could have made it to Sicily. I was trying to tell him the name of the Italian department store chain and wondered if it was still there. Something like Renashenti's (phonetically spelled). Do you know what I'm talking about? There was one in Catania in the late 1960's and early 70's. Thanks.

  2. Hi, Betty. I remember those! I hope your son has a wonderful time and yes, the Rinascente chain is still going strong!

  3. That's time's around the corner already? My goodness.

  4. Incredibly it is so, James.

  5. Has the Chocolate Festival happened yet?

  6. What do you mean about "a country not liking diversification in the retail sector?" I don't get that...

    Did you know in the UK one pound in every seven (I heard it was one in four) is now spent in Tescos?...

    Well can you imagine in the future, as globalization takes off we'll end up with supermarkets with branches literally in every country of the world. Can you imagine that? A shop that took in one pound/dollar/euro/yuan/yen in seven across the entire WORLD? I reckon that's what's coming...

    Hi to Berti-Pear ;-)

  7. Hi, WW. Yes, we had it in December. Hi, Gleds. I mean that Italians expect one shop to sell one type of goods. Supermarkets, for instance, carry very few non-food lines. Roll on a Tesco here!
