
Sunday, February 08, 2015


Rather a big "Oops" as Bertie-Pierre is a girl! I didn't look too closely - well, down there - when she came but I did start thinking, "Just a minute...." after a little while! Must get my cataracts seen to! Anyway, she is still gorgeous and is now BERTIE-PIERRINE. We are completely besotted with each other.

My friend from the kennel sent me this photo of her in the car, on the way down from Bagheria [Palermo Province]. I'm sure she was wondering where on earth she was going:

And here we are at our first meeting, in a Modica car park. It was love at first sight - il colpo di fulmine!

Now here she is with her new toys:

She's a very cultured dog and this morning she had something to tell me:

That's a lot of love and it is totally reciprocated!


  1. As I commented on your FB...thanks for my morning laugh, Pat. lol How did you not notice? Berticia should've packed her nightie and her mascara, that might have been a give-away. lol

    She is really adorable...and do you know what...I'm glad our beautiful Bertie is a girl. :)

    (She probably is, too...and she's probably also glad you've realised finally that she is)! lol

  2. She is gorgeous isn't she? And she does look at you with love! Pleased for the both of you.

  3. She is so cute and that last photo made me choke up. You must tell her all about Simi! XXX

  4. Beautiful as a girl as well as a boy...but I bet you buy a new collar have made me laugh and she is totally gorgeous xx

  5. She is probably having a giggle at your mistake ;-)

  6. Ahhh. Just don't make the same mistake again, she is probably thinking.

  7. Hehe. So funny and so heart warming!

  8. I don't know what's the matter with me, Lee! Perhaps she should have brought her makeup bag! Adorable is the word! Thank you, Uber. Yes, she does look at me with love. Hi, Leslie. I will. Hi, Janice. Yes, gorgeous. Hi, GCC. I'm so glad and thank you for all your support. I think she is, Cherie. I'm sure you're right, Rosaria. Thank you, Laruchka. xxxxxxx for everybody!

  9. So happy for you both! xx

  10. Both will be very happy.

  11. Scusa for my other comment - I'm reading your blog backwards! BP e molta bella!

  12. Thanks, Liz and James. no problem, WW.

  13. Bertina is gorgeous, Simi will be happy that her mummy has a new little girl to cuddle, so she can lie back and rest.... Job done! Enjoy the precious moments with your new little girl, you certainly have rescued each other.
    I did have a chuckle when you realised your mistake, so funny.
    Enjoy your life together,
    love Di xx
