
Thursday, January 08, 2015


Thank you, darling, for all the love in the world.
Sleep well and wait for me - I'll be along by and by.


  1. Sending love to you WC xx

    RIP Simi

  2. RIP beautiful Simi. The love you shared with your mum was one in a million. You will be missed but what wonderful memories. Xx

  3. RIP to the most wonderful girl. .Simi you will be missed but the love you shared with your mum was so special ..and the memories will stay in our hearts xx

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. I know she meant the world to you. I lost my almost 14 year old Sophie this past September and I still miss her every day. They're family members to us. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better, but there are no words. It just takes time. Lots and lots of time.

  5. You know my thoughts already but shall add them to the blog also. i know Cherie has commented.

    Thoughts and prayers as you know.

  6. As soon as I read James' post I knew that poor Simi had passed away. As a fellow lover of animals,Pat, my heart is with you for I know the heart ache of losing our true loves!

    Animals come into our life-and sometimes moreso than people- teach us what true,unconditional love,loyalty and companionship truly are. Simi's legacy is that he did this for you and was an ambassador of love that I hope will inspire you to open your heart and bestow all that love again on another furry little heart in as much need as Simi was. :)

    Simi was extremely lucky to have such a devoted mother and lifelong home! All pets should be as lucky as Simi.

    * pats* Simi's head.

  7. My dear Pat, I am so sorry to read this about little Simi. Bless her, a very special little dog. You both brought joy to each other, RIP little Simi. Thinking of you Pat, love Anne xx

  8. Much love to you, Pat. I shed tears with you.

    Simi was the most dear little girl. I know how much you adored her...and she, you. I understand your pain; your hurt and your loss.

    We will all miss Simi...and her blog posts. She was (and still is) part of our blogging family.

    Hugs, love and my very best thoughts, Pat.

    And remember, you are not alone. Don't let yourself feel lost...we're all here for you...and with you through your heartbreak.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that, WL. Simi was such a dear dog and I enjoyed hearing her thoughts and seeing her latest fashions. How very sad for you.

  10. Oh Pat, this is truly a heartbreak for you. Simi has been a true friend and companion, as part of your life as the air you breath. May you find solace in the memories you and he created.

  11. I can't believe this. I'm so sorry XXXXXXX

  12. Oh no! I am so so sorry. Poor Simi. Poor you. I still miss my dog after 15 years with him and 4

  13. Thank you, Cherie. x Thank you, Jan. Yes, wonderful memories but right now it's so hard. x Thank you, Betty. Yes, a family member - that's exactly what she was.Thank you for your kind words. x Yes, thank you, James. I appreciate what you are doing. x Hello, Uber. Yes, you are right about unconditional love. I appreciate your empathy. I don't know about the future. Right now I just ache for her. I know you understand. x Thank you, Anne. Yes, very special. x Thank you, Lee. Yes, she was a good blogger! I really appreciate your kind words. x Thank you, WW. x Thank you, Rosaria. Those are lovely words and so true. x Thank you, Gleds. x Thank you, Nerys. x Thank you, Anne and Laruchka. xx

  14. J'ai beaucoup de peine pour vous. C'est si difficile de perdre une compagne tant aimée. Il n'y a pas de mots.Toute ma sympathie. De tout coeur....

  15. Dear Pat.
    I am so sorry to learn of darling Simi passing away, such a beautiful dog and a loving and loyal companion to you.
    Chloe and I will miss the amusing little chats we used to have.
    I know words will not obliterate the pain you must be feeling but I hope they may offer some comfort and support.
    Thinking of you,
    love Di xx

  16. Je vous remercie, chère Claude. Vous avez raison - il n'y a pas de paroles. Il faut du temps.
    Thank you for your kind words, Di. Love to you and Chloe. xx

  17. Such a sweetheart. Sleep tight, Simi. xx

  18. I am so sorry. A beautiful girl who had a great Mom.

  19. Thank you so much, Liz and Penfield Fan Club. xx

  20. Oh no!

    What a shame.

