
Thursday, January 01, 2015


What with all the midnight fireworks and singing along to Auld Lang Syne from London on the teley, I didn't realise it was snowing outside till about 1 am, when a friend's tweet alerted me. I went out onto the balcony, expecting to find a few inconsequential flakes falling here and there but not settling and found, to my astonishment, snow to be reckoned with!

This was the view from my bedroom window this afternoon:

Snow has not been seen in the Ragusa area since 2005 and not in Modica, I believe, since 2003. Even then, it disappeared very quickly, so you can imagine how the above carpet of what I call "proper snow" is already being declared the event of the century in these parts.

The last time I saw "proper snow" was ten years ago, in Britain and I was with a man I loved very much. I could go all romantic and tell you how it brings back bittersweet memories, how the snow made that last meeting perfect and how I gazed at him adoringly as he drove me home through the storm. But actually, I think I'll tell you that I am scared to go out in case I slip, that the lorries are not out in force sanding the roads, that it is impossible to keep warm indoors unless you are literally sitting on top of a radiator and that I am dreading all the things that could go wrong in Sicily if this admittedly pretty covering does not melt away by tomorrow!

Perhaps I should award the 2015 "Scrooge of the year" prize to myself!

And now, here's a little something from two Welshies:

Tom Jones and Cerys Matthews - Baby, It's Cold Outside


  1. Snow always makes Christmas time perfect :-)

  2. We're having unusuallyrics cool Temps as well. Snow in Sicily is unheard of! Stay safe.

  3. Wow, what a snow in Sicily! We got lots of snow on the Amalfi Coast, too. I know just what you mean by not being able to stay warm inside ... and this freddo polare it is impossible! Bundle up and let's hope it warms up soon. Buon anno!

  4. Sicily, Italy and Malta are having unusual winters!! Malta had snow and coldest winter for 26 years, my friend in the Amalfi says coldest in 8 years and now you. We have had no snow yet!! Stay safe. Xox

  5. It does look pretty though! Hope none of the anticipated problems arose and that it's cleared now. And that you're managing to keep warm.

  6. Yes, Cherie - from a distance! I don't want to be out in it! Most has melted, Rosaria but strong winds tonight. Hi, Laura. Let's hope so! Buon anno a te. Hi, Anne. Yes, it's all over Italy and as you say, Malta too. Thank you for your concern. Hi, Liz. Mostly cleared now but strong winds as I write. Hope we don't get more!

  7. While you had snow we had rain!
    We live in a topsy turvey weather system.

  8. Baby, it was hot outside here...and wet, off and on. :)

  9. Wow how amazing! HNY WL!

  10. Sorry I didn't reply to last 3 comments- events overtook me.
