
Friday, December 19, 2014


Making anything resembling a traditional British Christmas cake for Sicilians is a daunting and somewhat risky task, as they have a strange aversion to dried fruit. However, last night I made Nigella's Chocolate Fruit Cake for the London Town, Modica - Centro Linguistico Internazionale Christmas party this evening, and to my surprise and delight everyone ate it and seemed to enjoy it! [I used dried cranberries in place of the unobtainable currants and raisins and I think it's a good innovation.]

There were other elements to the spread, for which I would like to thank Bar Cicara:

I got a chignon for the occasion - well, a girl has to try at Christmas!

And we all sang along to this:

What with that and my explanation, both in class and in my new booklet, of the absolute necessity of wearing silly paper hats at Christmas dinner, I think I have successfully convinced the Sicilians that the British are mad!


  1. I think a British Christmas cake must be what we call a fruit cake. Sounds like it went over real well. Merry Christmas!

  2. Your hair looked lovely, Pat..very stylish. :)

    And your cake looked very I'm sure it was. I'm glad everyone enjoyed it.

  3. Yes, it's a fruit cake, Betty. The one I make it is a bit lighter than the traditional one. Thanks, Lee. I'm glad too - it was a relief!

  4. I'm really surprised! I thought the sicilians were realy into raisins after I had them in a pasta dish at a sicilian restaurant. Next you'll be telling me they don't even eat canditi.

  5. I'm trying a Jane Asher recipe for last minute cake today! I hope it turns out looking as good as yours.

    In case I don't get by again, have a wonderful Christmas, Pat & Simi!

  6. O ello! I just came by to wish you and Simi a very Golden and Furry Merry Barkingmas and a Fantasticational 2015... ps you're looking maaaaaarvellous by the way XxXxXxX ;-)

  7. Hi, Laruchka. Yes, it's strange, isn't it? Hi, Liz. Hope it turns out well, Merry Xmas from us to all of you. Hello, Gleds. You have made my night! Merry Xmas!

  8. Hello Pat, how did I miss this post. Your hair looks wonderful .. I might have to have this done one day, .

    I have an aversion to Dried fruit too..I don't like Christmas cake, mince pies or pudding and I never have understood why we are made to wear the hats out of crackers, not even as a child. So yes the British are mad!! Take care. Anne
