
Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Yesterday in the bank there were - I kid you not - around 200 people waiting and just two functioning counters. People were standing around in small groups, chatting and complaining, but no one complained to a person in a position to do anything about it.  This was probably due to resignation rather than laziness or a desire not to upset anyone, for everybody knew full well that the most likely response would be a shrug with the word "Pazienza" and that no action would be taken.

After an hour, my own pazienza was wearing thin and I asked a clerk at a closed counter if she could tell me why, when there were so many clients waiting, only two counters were open. Her reply was,

"Ah, but there are three counters working. It's just that I have other things to do so my counter isn't open to the public."

Now, maths is not my strong point but two counters working and one closed equals two counters working, not three, or have I missed something here, dear reader?  In the end I gave up and went for a gelato.


  1. No wonder the internet is popular! :) oBviously it is not yet quite fast enough in Sicily to make the post office close down altogether!

  2. Enough to make anyone keep their money in a sock under the mattress, isn't it!

  3. I live in hope, Jenny. Yes, maybe our grandmothers were right!

  4. I didn't think the words "Italian logic" went together. Unless of course you were trying to say "Impazzire"

  5. Haha! You're right, Bev - not two words that normally go together!

  6. Maybe the solution is to arrive 5 minutes before the doors open on a day other than Monday?

  7. I have no answer to give; and I doubt I ever will have one.

  8. That wouldn't work either, Lee as everyone just barges their way in. Nor me, Lee!
