
Saturday, May 31, 2014


Last weekend, I hit upon the idea of combining good tomato sauce and Dijon-style mustard to cook with pork and this dish worked so well I'll be making it again tomorrow!

Thinly slice 6 courgettes and arrange them in a lightly oiled ceramic or Pyrex roasting dish. Finely chop two red onions and spread them over the courgettes. Season. 

Now brown 8 boneless pork chops - thin ones, like escalopes - in 3 tablesp olive oil. Drain them on kitchen paper, then arrange on top of the courgettes and onions. Add a handful of rinsed and drained salted capers.

Mix 330 g homemade tomato sauce or bought passata with a dessertspoon of Dijon-style mustard, some seasoning, a little paprika and a little dried oregano.. Mix well and pour over the chops.

Cover with foil and cook at 180 C for one hour.

Serves 4.


  1. That sounds delicious, Pat. I saw a good recipe the other day for Zucchini Crumble. It'd make a wonderful accompaniment for a roast meal. I thought you might like it -

    1 tbs. olive oil
    2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
    3-4 small zucchinis, cut into thin rounds
    200mls cup crème fraiche
    2 egg yolks
    1 heaped tbsp Dijon mustard
    3 sprigs of mint, finely chopped
    3 sprigs thyme, finely chopped

    1 cup breadcrumbs
    10g butter
    ½ cup walnuts, finely chopped
    ½ cup grated cheddar
    ½ cup grated Parmesan

    Pre-heat the oven to 180C.

    Heat garlic in a pan on med-heat with olive oil until golden.

    Using a food processor, slice the zucchini into even slices. Add zucchini rounds to the pan; cook for 5-10 minutes to soften. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.

    In a mixing bowl, mix the dijon mustard, creme fraiche and egg yolks. Add the chopped mint and thyme; stir through.

    Once the zucchini have softened a little add it to the creamy mixture; quickly combine to ensure the eggs don't scramble. Place it all into a baking tray.

    Crumble; melt the butter in the pan. Spread the walnuts evenly over the zucchini mixture, then top with the cheeses, bread crumbs and drizzle the butter.

    Place it into the oven for 20-30 mins until golden brown.

  2. That looks soooooooooo good!

  3. Thanks, Lee. That really does sound wonderful and I will try it. It's so nice of you to take the trouble to give me the recipe here.
    Thanks, Nick. x
