
Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Prices are creeping up in Sicily and last weekend I was horrified at the bill for my supermarket shop, even though the most exotic item on it was a washing-up brush. It was exotic, to me, because it's the first time, in nine years, that I've been able to find one here! I was amused at the attempt at translation on the label, where it was described as a "broom."


  1. What is this? A broom? It does not seem like a classic broom. Isn't it more like a toilet cleaner?

  2. Similar here with prices....every time I go to the supermarket I never cease to be shocked at the increases...week after week. Prices are going up and up, and the money in my wallet, down and down!

    A massive disparity that will never be fixed.

  3. Hi, Francesca. No, it's a washing-up brush. The translation was wrong, as I said. Hi, Lee. So depressing!

  4. It looks more like a loo brush than a washing up brush!!

  5. Please remind me of the vocab for brush and broom WL

  6. Oh dear, I too thought it wash a loo brush Welshcakes.
    Never mind, as long as it does the job.
    I haven't been over to your site lately, so I shall make up for it now and have a good browse!

    Hope you and dear Simi are keeping well, Chloe is fine, and snoozing, as is her want of an afternoon,
    love Di..xx

  7. Funny you should say that as I went to buy a toilet brush and was horrified. Thought the price was a joke at first.

  8. I assure you it's for washing up, though, Cherie! Spazzola and scopa, WW. Yes, does the job,Trubes. simi has had a nasty cough lately but clearing up now after medecine from the vet. Frightened me, though. Love to you and Chloe from us. xx woofs!
    I can imagine, James.
