
Tuesday, April 15, 2014


House arrest, in Italy, is not an unusual sentence in cases where the defendant is not deemed dangerous, has health problems or if the person has nearly completed a prison term. Its conditions, contrary to popular belief abroad, are strict, though it is not difficult to imagine that the time would pass more pleasantly if it were "served"  in a luxurious mansion. 

A Milan court  has, since Thursday, been considering whether Silvio Berlusconi should serve the remainder of his sentence in this way or do community service - a far cry, it would seem, from the case of a 54-year-old man from Ragusa who has decided that prison is preferable to eight months at home with his wife. After just 25 days of house arrest, the man has begged police to take him back to prison and "escaped" from home so that they have to do so. 

But we all have our difficulties and house arrest, for Mr Berlusconi, would severely limit his networking possibilities. As it is unlikely that he will be allowed to do community service as patron of an as yet unbuilt centre for the disabled, I understand he would like to help the elderly. Hey, Silvio, that includes me and I could sure do with a little help! 

This bit of nonsense from The Guardian - which I enjoyed immensely -  has made its way into every Italian newspaper I have read, both local and national, and has been reported with amusement here, though also with some bemusement at how the British may spend their time.


  1. Me, too...I could do with a bit of help. Do you thinks his community work could extend down this way?

  2. I heard about the guy who preferred prison to his wife, incredible! I'll go and check The Guardian, I like reading it, but what I like most is your sense of humor! You always make laugh Pat!

  3. Well, you never know with Silvio, Lee! Thanks, Francesca. I'm glad I cheer somebody up!

  4. Would the (female) community be safe?

  5. I leave that to your imagination, WW!

  6. That is hystericalS Serves him right.
