
Tuesday, April 22, 2014


It all started when, in response to this post, I was contacted by Maggie Ayre of the BBC. To be honest, at first I thought it was probably someone "having a laugh", as the British say, but I googled Maggie and found that she really was a BBC radio producer! I emailed her as requested, then she called me here and we talked about the Welsh song, Myfanwy.

Maggie explained to me that, in a news programme, people will put up with audio that is not of the highest quality because they understand that it cannot always be delivered, but in a radio feature programme, where there is obviously no visual backup, they will not. Therefore, she asked me if I knew of a studio where the recording of my contribution could be done. I didn't, but a student of mine did, and he kindly took me to a private studio owned by a friend of his in Scicli. No landline was available to us there so our next problem was possible interference on the mobile line but we got over this with the help of my student, who took the phone from my hands and dashed with it to the door before I answered each question. It was a bit of a performance but the studio owner knew what he was doing and was able to send Maggie a perfect audio file.

Now the BBC Radio iplayer link is up on the Soul Music programme website and, if you missed my minute of glory this morning, you will be able to hear it, for a while, by clicking the link. 

I am proud to have been interviewed on the same programme as Welsh singer Cerys Matthews and others to whom the song means so much. I love Cerys's version and here it is in full:

Cerys Matthews - Myfanwy


  1. How nice it is to hear your voice after all these years, Pat. :)

  2. Thank you, Lee. I am touched that you listened. Thank you, WW.

  3. PAT! I can't believe that was you talking! What a nice suprise it must have been! Congratulations! I love your accent! Brava!

  4. Thank you so much, Francesca. It was really nice of you to listen.

  5. It's lovely to hear you, all the way from Sicily. You have a beautiful, singing voice. And I love Myfanwy. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Thank you, Claude. I am touched to know that you listened. No one's ever told me I have a nice voice before1
