
Monday, December 09, 2013


My friends Roberto and Roberta decided it was time for a good old British-style tea party yesterday, to kick off the festivities in our little circle.  What a spread we enjoyed!

This was Roberta's lovely table:

Of course, there had to be sarnies - with "real" pickle!

There were scrumptious scones as well...

.... and a fruit cake:

The sausage rolls kept beckoning me, as did the mince pies and no one makes brownies like Roberta! Naturally, there were also plenty of cups of "proper" British tea.

Roberta reminded us all to leave room for the trifle, so we did:

Thank you for the festive afternoon, Roberto and Roberta!


  1. I made a pile of sausage rolls the other day, along with palmiers and mini-quiches...and some mini-meatballs, all of which are now in my freezer chilled out until needed. I'm taking them along to a pre-Christmas party at the home of friends on Saturday week. The meatballs and quiches are cooked, but the others have yet to be.

  2. Gosh, you have been busy, Lee!
