
Wednesday, December 18, 2013


As I've mentioned before, 2013 has not been a good year for me and I'll be jolly glad to see the back of it. For various reasons, there are a lot of things I can neither do nor have at the moment and in such circumstances, one sometimes loses sight of the things that are possible. So yesterday I reminded myself that a week before Christmas I can sit in the sun on a café terrace and enjoy the juice of a Sicilian orange and some handmade biscuits.

I still love you, Italy!


  1. Il faut vraiment profiter des bons moments. Et celui-ci est délicieux!

    Espérant que votre vie s'adoucira en cette nouvelle année, et vous donnera paix et beaucoup d'heures heureuses.

  2. Je t'en remercie de tout coeur, chère Claude.

  3. I think it's always worth stopping to enjoy the simple things. Life is the sum of such moments.

    I hope 2014 is better for you.
