
Monday, December 02, 2013


I can't say I'm feeling very festive and, as even stores here do not usually decorate until the 8th December holiday, I have not been in a hurry to get started. However, I've noticed a few shops getting ready earlier this year and now that my neighbour across the way has got her glittering snowmen in her windows, through which I can glimpse her tree sparkling away, I suppose I had better get on with it.

Thoughts turn, too, to Christmas baking and yesterday I decided to give a trial run to Rachel Allen's Raspberry Upside-Down Cake, a recipe which appears in the Christmas edition of Good Housekeeping UK. I used frozen raspberries, as that is the only kind you can get here in any season and, as we cannot get self-raising flour, added two sachets of vanilla-flavoured lievito [raising] powder. I must say that, once I had finished bashing my head on the cupboard shelves trying to find the right pan, this was a very easy cake to make.

OK, I probably overdid the pink icing sugar and the star shape I'd wanted to create in the middle went a bit wonky but the cake sliced up very nicely and my students today thought it was great!


  1. It does look very tempting. Like all your cooking. Wishing you a tasteful Christmas Season.

  2. It looks very festive to me. I'm sure I'd enjoy a slice.

  3. That looks good and just the thing for a lighter cake at Christmas. I don't buy that magazine usually but I will take a look when I am in the supermarket today. You are such a good cook!

  4. Thanks, Claude. Hope you have a lovely festive season too. Thanks, Betty. Thanks, Jenny. I love GH - it's my little bit of home! You are very kind.

  5. I'm not yet in the Christmas spirit, either, but I've been comatose these past couple of days from the aroma of rum wafting from the two large mixed fruit Christmas cakes I made on Tuesday!

    I have made some mini-quiches, sausage rolls and smoked salmon palmiers that are presently hiding in my freezer. They're for a pre-Christmas party at the home of friends in two week's time. I've still a couple more things to make for the party. Other than that, I'm not going overboard.

  6. Goodness, Lee, you are organised! I can smell your lovely cakes from here!
