
Monday, December 30, 2013


It's always a pleasure to dine at Chiara's house and to do so on Christmas Day was very special indeed.

There were all sorts of antipasti, including these ham and cheese puffs

and my friend Linda's perfectly formed aita [chard] pasties:

Being allergic to fish, I had to pass on the salmon but I'm sure it was delicious:

Then there were cestini [baskets] di pasta. I must remember to get the recipe for these!

There were pork chops

 and, of course, turkey:

There were lots of desserts, too, including these lovely, gooey pastries

and chocolate salami:

And it wouldn't have been Christmas without a tronco!

I made and took along this Christmas cake. [It's Nigella's "Incredibly Easy Chocolate Fruit Cake" recipe and yes, I'm still a fan.] I used dried cranberries for some of the fruit content. Christmas cake is largely wasted on Sicilians, who have a peculiar aversion to dried fruit, but the British contingent ate it and I'm going to keep making it anyway because I like the aroma as it cooks and it's pretty.

Oh! I almost forgot to tell you I wore my subtle Christmas angel earrings, which I'd found in Catania the week before. They were quite a hit!

Grazie per la festa, Chiara.


  1. Another fabulous feast .. they love sharing :-) I do not eat Christmas cake, mince pies or Pudding .. just don't like the taste. But I am sure yours is delightful :-)

    Love your earrings, very festive. xx

  2. Love your pics, Pat...the ones of you, I mean.

    I like the food ones, too...but they are just reminders of all the food I still have here to work my way through! :)

    Have a wonderful 2014...may all your dreams come true.

  3. You're so stylish. And the cake looks delicious. Bonne Année, Pat!

  4. What a feast! May the new year bring you many feasts.

  5. Thanks, Anne and Happy 2014 to you. xx Thanks, Lee. Know how you feel re the food! Happy 2014. xx Merci, chère Claude et je vous souhaite une très bonne année. xx Thank you, Rosaria and the same to you. xx

  6. It looked like a fun and tasty, Christmas for you, Pat! I would hate being allergic to fish -- much of it is my favorite foods! Your cake looked very pretty!

  7. Thanks, Pat. Yes, it's a nuisance of an allergy! Glad you like the cake.
