
Thursday, August 01, 2013


Hi, folks. Simi here!

I bet you've been all been waiting for a post from me!

This week I've been busy glamming up for summer but it's hard for a doggie- girl to get some shuteye round here after she's had her fur cut! I just doze off nicely and there's my mummy with her camera:

So I'll get the bed how I like it and try again.......

or maybe like this........

Hmmm - too much exertion. I think I'll go in the other room and stretch out on my longer bed.....

Of course, my real bed's the one mummy thinks is hers! Heehee!

Every time we go out that ole black poodle down the road starts whining for me.  What a dog's life he has - not like me!

Well, that's all for now, fans. Look after your humans and see you soon.


Simi  xx woof!


  1. Simi , you stick to your longer bed, much better , :-) x

  2. Simi - I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your new look! Keep it short as I'm sure it's usually too hot when you were the wig! lol

  3. Simi, Your english is remarkable, how's your Italian? ^_^

  4. Nice to hear from you again. You are looking fab in your new coat, nice and cool for the summer.

  5. You're a bit of a glamour puss - oops...sorry, Simi...I'll start again. You're a bit of a glamour girl, Simi. And it's about time your graced us with your presence!!

  6. Simi says: "You know, I think I will, Auntie Anne - except when I'm letting mummy share the BIG bed in the bedroom! Ciao, zia Moggsy! I understand what I want to in all languages but I don't recall the Italian or the English for "No"! Thank you, Auntie Cherie. Thank you, Auntie Lee. Say hello to the cats from me and big woofies!"xxxx

  7. "You do look very smart, Simi! My mum keeps telling me she's going to shave my bottom because I'm all knotty but i don't think she means it ... I hope not anyway. Love George xx"

  8. Simi says: "Thank you, Auntie WW. Hi, Goeorge. I'm sure your mummy doesn't mean it! Woofs and Welah wags to you. xxx"
